San Francisco Chiropractor explains how energy and frequency can help with health

Everything in our world has a frequency or vibration and all interconnect.  Understanding that everything is energy allows us to understand how we can change and effect our health and mentality.  

How is frequency determined?

Frequency is defined by the number of repeating vibrations that occur each second. These are measured in hertz (Hz).

All things have a frequency.  Including the human body. Cells, organs, blood all have frequency and all interact and communicate.  

When we have a higher frequency in the body our energy is higher which will result in better health. A normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 MHz. 

If the body weakens and drops below 62MHZ, illness and disease begin.  It is easier for germs to attack our cells and immune leading to colds, flu and long term illnesses.  If our body drops to 42 MHZ we are at risk of cancer.  So, the lower the energy or frequency we have, the more at risk we are for getting sick, diseased and dying.  

Energy can be increased by exercise, eating properly and developing healthy lifestyle habits.  

Here are some ways to achieve higher frequency in the body.  

1. Attitude and emotional positivity:

Our thoughts lead to physical changes.  When we are negative our body frequency drops from 10-12 MHZ.  This will take us from our 72 MHZ to risk of illness.  Depression, anger, resentment, jealousy all lead to lower energy levels. Positive thoughts lead to higher energy and better health.  That is why when you meditate you think of things you are grateful for.  This raises your bodies energy.  

2. Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy:

These are medical devices that are safe, toxin free and have no side effects.  Each disc has a frequency imbedded in a metal that when applied on the body is activated by your own body heat.  Our body then understands each individual frequency and applies the frequency/energy to areas that are wounded or working at a lower frequency.  This allows areas to rebuild and heal because they now have the energy to heal on their own.  

This therapy is great for pain, digestion, lymphatic drainage, organ health and many other issues that occur because the body is under strain and functioning at a lower frequency.

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP is a San Francisco Chiropractor who is trained to the highest level in the therapy and has helped many people heal when other methods were ineffective.  Contact her today for better health and vitality!


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