San Francisco Chiropractor talks about Foot, Bunions and Plantar Fasciitis

You have 26 bones that make up your foot.  All of these bones move and adapt to the environment they are planted on.  A lot of us take our feet for granted.  They are key for our body to move properly when walking, working out, riding a bike, standing.  Calluses tell us a lot.  Where you have them tells us how you are walking and what demands you are putting on your feet.  

Hammer toes, bunions, twisted heels, achilles tendon issues are all signs that you are not walking properly or have bad shoes.  Every person that has Plantar Fasciitis is has hammer toes and the start of bunions.  Why is this?  Well the plantar fascia is connected from the heel the the toes.  If you are not moving properly or one of these 26 bones is stuck.  It will cause a bio-mechanical issue that will lead to a problem with the foot.  Then, the fascia will become strained and stress leading to inflammation and pain.  

Plantar Fasciitis is really becoming a problem in our community.  We used to walk on dirt and sand.  Now our shoes have changed, we walk on hard surfaces all day long and we sit for long hours everyday.  Our feet are not being utilized or  exercised the way they  should be. Our bones in our feet are meant to move and glide on dirt and adhere to surfaces.  Now that we walk on hard surfaces all day long, we slam our bones into the ground and our slam on our fascia.  

Adjustments by a chiropractor can get the bones to move more freely and loosen the fascia.  Cold laser can help alleviate the pain, but is not necessarily a long term solution. Keeping these bones in the proper place is essential to stop the incidence of Plantar Fasciitis along with learning how to walk properly and keep your shoes in good health.  

Who is at risk for Plantar Fasciitis? 

1. Age is a factor: common age when pain starts to develop is 40 to 60 years old.  This is because old habits have now come to the surface.

2. Obesity: The more weight on the body, the more stress on the joints.

3. Exercise: Sports that require jumping, running put a lot of stress on the feet. Make sure you are stretching and wearing the proper shoes. 

4. Jobs: If you are on your feet a lot (especially on a hard surface) the strain can inflame the fascia.

5. Foot biomechanics:  If your feet don't have an arch or too high of an arch.  If you wear flip flops all the time with no support, if you walk improperly it will put extra strain on the bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and fascia. 

How do you know you have Plantar Fasciitis?

Most of the time it is when you have pain on the heel or even to the toes.  Most of the time it is more noticeable in the morning or after not moving for a while.  

How can a chiropractor help with foot pain and Plantar Fasciitis?

1. Chiropractic adjustments to the spine and feet.  

Your feet are connected to muscles, tendons and ligaments in the lower leg.  There is also a kinetic chain that occurs when walking so full body adjustments allow the whole body to move properly.  Adjustments to the feet can get better movement and adaptation to the environment.  

2. Cold Laser Therapy: 

It reduces pain, inflammation and promotes better neurology.  

3. Proper footwear: 

Your foot should fit correctly in your shoe.  Your shoes should bend where your toes bend.  Your heel should be secure in the shoe and stay put.  The arch should be supported during athletic activity.

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP in San Francisco and Redwood City has helped many people who have had Plantar Fasciitis.  She understands the whole body and how it moves and has therapies that can get you out of pain fast.  Contact us today!



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