San Francisco Mission District Chiropractor explains muscle cramps

From time to time, everyone has gotten a cramp.  What we remember about them is that they come on with no notice and hurt so much you don't want to move.  Cramping is a sign of  an exhausted muscle, dehydration, lack of appropriate blood flow and electrolyte imbalance.  Understanding your body and its needs is key to preventing cramping.  

So, what are muscle cramps?

These are involuntary muscle contractions.  Your muscle is unable to relax.  It can involve one muscle or several at one time.  

What are the most common places for muscle cramping?

What are muscle spasms (muscle cramps)?

  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Feet
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Abdomen

    If you are getting cramps at night when you are asleep these are called nocturnal cramps.  

What do muscle cramps feel like?

They are very painful normally and last from seconds to minutes.  They may happen quickly then go away and come back or stay intense for minutes at a time. 

How do I stop a muscle spasm?

  • Try massaging the area
  • Try and stretch through the cramp
  • Take a table spoon or two of yellow mustard
  • Drink more water
  • Make sure your electrolytes are balanced.
  • Move around and get blood flow
  • Increase your melatonin levels

Why do we get cramps?

  • Not enough stretching.
  • Muscle exhaustion
  • Exercising when it is too hot
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Depletion of electrolytes (salts and minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium in your body).
  • Involuntary nerve activity
  • Decreased blood flow
  • Stress
  • Too much high-intensity exercise
  • Sitting in one position for loo long
  • Standing on hard surfaces for long periods of time.  

How do you know if you have cramps?

  • You can actually see the cramps happening
  • Is the muscle too tight
  • How long the pain lasts and if it gets better with movement or massage
  • Does heat make it feel better?

There are several ways a doctor can tell when palpating the area or doing tests that it is a muscle cramp and not a tear.  

What do Chiropractors do for cramps?

Dr. Amie Gregory DC, CCEP is a sports chiropractor that has tools for helping with cramps.  There are Amino Neuro Frequency discs made specifically for cramping as well as cold laster, Graston Technique and adjustments to the area allowing it to move better and get better blood flow.  

Painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help but it does not solve the problem, it just takes the pain away momentarily.  

The key is really understanding how and why you are getting cramps and finding solutions to the problem.  Our chiropractor in San Francisco can help with muscle cramping and sports injuries.  Contact us today!



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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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