How to get the best out of your workout. Fitness tips from a sports chiropractor in San Francisco

Everyone knows that working out is not only beneficial for weight loss but helps with vitality and stress relief.  However, working out can cause pain, inflammation and biomechanical issues.

Chiropractic can help in so many ways to make sure your body can handle the workout and move properly.  This is how injuries can be prevented.  

Here are some great tips for having a great work out and keeping your body safe.  

  • Start out with weights that are not too hard for you:

    This means, if your muscles are shaking and unstable when beginning a workout, they are too heavy.  Start with light weights and gradually increase them.  Also, if you are doing boot camps or high intensity training, don't go 100% on your first few workouts.  Take it easy and do 50-70% of the intensity so your body is not stressed too hard. 
  • Warm up and cool down

    It only takes a few minutes to roll out your back, legs, arms and neck.  This gets your body ready for the workout and gets the blood flowing.  Then, after working out, roll out or stretch again.  This will keep your body loose and able to handle any additional loads and keep stress down.  
  • Make sure you are working out properly:

    Posture is always key, especially when working out.  Your back should be in the proper position, your neck and shoulders should not be stressed.  It can be hard to keep form if you are not on top of it.  The most dangerous time for bad posture is when fatigued.  Having a mirror or working out with a buddy who understands body position and movement would be highly recommended.  

    If you are working out to a DVD, CD or even virtually, they can not always see your form so please be careful to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly to avoid tears, pulls, sprains and strains.  
  • Make sure you are drinking enough water and getting the proper electrolytes:

    Our bodies need nutrition.  Our muscles, brain, tendons and all other body parts need certain enzymes and nutrients to stay healthy.  When not drinking enough water or not replenishing nutrients daily can lead to problems  Electrolytes are minerals that have an electric charge.  They are in your blood and travel around your whole body.  

Here is a list of the main electrolytes we need daily:

  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphate
  • Magnesium

    If you do not have enough you can have:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Muscle cramps
  • Low energy
  • Feel sick

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF has been helping athletes and non-athletes in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 14 years.  She understands how the body moves and addressed the full body so you heal fast and stay healthy.  Contact us today!



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Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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