Riding a bike in San Francisco the rules, risks and rewards

San Francisco is one of the top 5 safest places to ride a bicycle in the United States.  This does not mean that there are no risks. 

Rules of riding a bike in San Francisco

1. Pedestrians always have the right of way:

Even if they are crossing in front of a bike lane.  We must yield to anyone walking because they are most vulnerable.

2. Stop behind the crosswalk:

We must keep the lane free for anyone needing to cross the street

3. We must obey traffic signals:

This can make a trip take much longer since lights are rarely timed for bicycles and stopping and starting take longer for bicyclists.

4. Stay on the streets and in bike lanes:

The sidewalk is not for riding.  It is for pedestrians so leaving this area for them to move around safely is the priority

5. Ride in the same direction of traffic:

it is distracting and stressful for drivers, pedestrians and other bikes when riding in the wrong direction.

6. You can leave the bike lane and drive on the street if you want to:

Sometimes the bike lane is blocked or the lane is very small.  You can ride in the street and even take the lane and ride directly in the lane for safety.  Don't put your life and body at risk to be polite to drivers.  They can go around or wait.

7. Have the appropriate lights on your bike:

You need to be seen.  A light even during the day is will make sure you are seen to drivers and other bikers.  Also, wearing reflective clothing on arms, legs or having bags that can be seen can keep people aware of your presence on the streets.  

8. Be mindful of people with canes, disabilities:

Many times people are let out of motor vehicles to get home.  They may need to walk through the bike lane.  Give them room.

9. Pass on the left:

Most people turning right are not going to see you on the right hand side.  Going to the left will keep you safe and most people exit cars on the right as well so the dreaded opening the door when you are driving by will happen a lot less.  

What do you do if you are in a bike accident?

 1. File a police report:

Getting your case on file is necessary to protect yourself.  If anything arises after the accident, you have it on record to pull up and use for proof.  

2.  Let the facts speak for themselves.  Don't say more than necessary.  Just like getting into a car accident:

If you say you don't have injuries and later on you find out that you are injured, your statement may get you into trouble.  If asked, say that you are not sure.  Also, do not apologize.  It implies that you were at fault.  

3. If there are witnesses, get their information and always get the other driver's information.  

Sometimes finding people afterward can be hard. Make sure you have everyone's information in case you need it. 

4. Write down what happened as soon as possible so you can answer any questions at a later date: 

Take pictures of the area, the bike, injuries and damage. 

Most common injuries when getting into a bike accident:

1. Head Injury:

Even when wearing a helmet, hitting your head can cause brain bruising, scrapes, skull fractures and many other injuries

2. Neck injury:

Whiplash, neck fractures, disc displacements, spinal cord injuries and even paralysis can happen from impact.

3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):

Concussions and closed head injuries can lead to memory loss, mood changes, cognitive issues, sleep disturbances, headaches, seizures, vomiting and long term bodily issues

4. Facial Injuries:

Broken jaw, teeth, eye socket & vision damage, broken nose and road rash leading to permanent scars.  

5. Numerous body injuries:

Skin, muscle, tendon, ligament tearing, broken legs, dislocated shoulders, broken hands and wrists, severe rib injuries, internal bleeding, spinal cord damage leading to paralysis and death.

Chiropractic can help you heal after an accident and recover.  Even with a fracture, tear, or soft tissue damage, we can help the body heal and recover and have tools to help accelerate healing.  Cold laser, Graston technique, Amino Neuro Frequency therapy can help you get better faster and get you back to your normal.  Contact our Redwood City or San Fransisco Mission District Chiropracic office today!






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Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm