San Francisco Bay Area Chiropractor: How to mentally and physically recover quickly from an injury

After you are injured, there are two different facets to healing:

1. Physical recovery

2. Mental recovery

Physical Recovery: Here are the steps for healing and recovery

1. You need to understand how you were injured in the first place:

Different parts of the body heal faster or slower.  Tendons, ligament have less blood supply and heal a bit longer.  Muscles have a lot of blood supply and heal faster.  Understanding how these areas heal make a difference.  

For example, if you hurt your knee, how did you move it?  Did you get a signs of stress beforehand?  Understanding how can prevent another injury later on and help you understand what habits you may have that are stressing the area. 

This is where your chiropractor comes in.  We do testing and find out how your body is moving and adapting.  We can narrow down muscles that need to be focused on and areas that are stressed.  Starting body treatments fast is key to getting well quicker.  Your body will not stiffen up and you will be able to be more mobile to start your home rehab.  You may have to see a chiropractor multiple times a week in order to heal faster but soon you can learn to maintain your health.  

2. What can you do for your injury at home?

When you are injured, it is a process to heal.  You need rest, nutrition and proper rehabilitation.  It is work, but in the end you will reap the reward.  

A. For the first 3-5 days rest the area, do not exercise it and elevate.  Sleep, sleep, sleep

B. Move the part to get blood flow but don't strain it.  if it is a knee, arm, wrist, shoulder etc.  Just do normal range of motion like back and forth, side to side depending on the affected area.  

C. Once the area feels like it is less tender or painful start doing light rehabilitation exercises.  Cardiovascular training is recommended:
* Bike riding
* Swimming
* The arm cycle (if you have one at home or have access to a gym)
* Fast walking

D. Once you are good with light exercising, it is time for your core and strengthening exercises.  Never continue working an area if you feel pain.  It is not ready.  

Mental Recovery:

The mind and body are connected.  If the brain sends signals to the body that you are okay, then you are okay.  If the brain thinks you are not okay, then your body will respond that way too.  

There is also the mental stress of why did this happen?

You may be afraid to do activities again in fear of re-injuring the area.  You may have had a traumatic experience that has lead to Posttraumatic stress.

Here are some other problems that may arise after an injury:

  •  insomnia
  • Anger
  • Changes in appetite
  • Irriability: Exercising releases endorphins that make you happy.  If you are not exercising, you can become irritated or depressed.  

    Tips for mentally recovering:

1. Change your mindset
Use your energy to recover.  Resting is necessary and allows you to heal.

2. Keep a journal
When do you feel pain? Is it because of mental stress or physical movement?  How long did it last?  Journaling will help you understand what your body needs.   

3. Set goals

Taking recovery in steps helps your mental state and minimizes stress.  

4. Focus on the things you have control of

What are you eating?  Do you need to change your food choices?  Are you drinking enough water?  Are you sleeping in a natural comfortable position?  Are you getting the emotional support you need?  Are you sleeping enough.  These are small actions we take for granted but if we understand what we need and how to get our needs met, it can make all the difference.  

5. Find a hobby that you can physically do

Do you like to draw?  Sing?  Write?  Find out what makes you happy while you recover.  

6. Meditate

Youtube is great for finding relaxing videos that help you meditate and breathe.  Mediation helps bring your heartrate down and release stress.  It doesn't take that much time out of your day and you will feel refreshed afterward.  

7. Stick to a rehab program

Keep your chiropractic appointments even if you are feeling better.  We always feel great until we don't.  Your chiropractor knows what your body needs and will adjust the program when you are moving to the next stage.  When you stop following the plan, you start to lose the momentum you have gained.  

8. Connection

Stick to your normal routine and hangout with people who make you happy.  

9. Stay positive

Positivity keeps your body's energy stronger and allows your body to work efficiently.  Negativity puts stress on your systems and makes recovery harder.  

10. Practice gratitude

No one wants to be injured or in pain.  Remember that most people hurt themselves.  Some recovery faster than others and that has to do with lifestyle, age and other factors.  If you do the work, it will happen.  Just be patient.

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF has been helping patients recover from injuries for over a decade.  She helps with body work, exercise recommendations and works on the joints, muscles and nerves that all help you recover.  Contact out San Carlos, CA or San Francisco, CA office today! 



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