How your ear helps with balance and how chiropractic can help with vertigo

How does our ears help with our balance?

Your ears are sensitive to sound waves which help us hear.  One thing a lot of people don't know is that the ear is responsible for our balance.  

Our balance is determined by several things, including our brain and cerebellum as well but the ear has what is called a vestibular system.

The ear's vestibular system:

This system is made up of three semicircular canals and two otolith organs called the utricle and the saccule.  The otolith system contain fluids. 

The semicircular canals of the ear:

Each canal has tiny hairs that branch out along the canal.  When we move our neck and head, the hair moves right along with us.  The fluid will then move as well but not as fast as the hair in the inner ear.  What this means is that at times the hair become bent with the fluid not being able to move as quickly.  These messages are then sent back to the brain to analyze movement.  

The Otolith Organs:

These are located diagonally beneath the semicircular canals.  They also have very thin sensory hair cells.  The hair in the otolith organs have crystals on them.  This part of the ear analyzes when we accelerate or change elevations like when in an elevator, escalator, in a plane, on a rollercoaster or driving in a car. 

All the information of movement is always sent right back to the brain and processed. Then the brain responds with sending signals to the eyes, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments or any part of the body it feels necessary.  This is how balance and positional sense works in our body.  

If the sensory organs (like the eyes) send messages to the brain that are confusing, it can make us dizzy or nauseous. Sometimes these crystals and hair in the ear can be caught as well leading to vertigo.  

This is why chiropractic can help with dizziness and vertigo.  When we adjust the neck, we help the signals to the brain flow easier and release tension in the ears.

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF also has a way to help the ear adjust as well.  It is safe and can help greatly with vertigo and dizziness.  

She is located in San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA . She is a chiropractor that understands full body health.  She works with athletes, expectant moms, office workers and everyone else in between.  Contact our San Francisco, CA chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office today!



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