Tips on being thankful on Thanksgiving from your neighborhood chiropractor

How to be thankful on thanksgiving: 

Thanksgiving is coming up.  This means for some of us, traveling, eating a lot of food and having social interactions.  It is a great time to reflect and give thanks for what we have in our lives.  Waking up each day is a privilege that a lot of take for granted.  

At times we may not feel grateful and even go. through difficulties that effect our work, relationships, sleep and health.  

Sometimes, though, you just don’t feel grateful. Perhaps you have a difficult relationship with family members, or your holiday often features contentious political disagreement. That could make a day centered on thanks difficult.

Being thankful during thanksgiving and throughout the year:

Thankfulness and gratitude raise our energy and increase our happiness.  Our brain has a prefrontal cortex that is responsible for capacity to change and modify emotions.  It is also responsible for attention, memory and cognitive function.  

Giving thanks helps us all realize our capabilities, our connections with others and makes us happier, healthier human beings.  It makes us more generous, patient and less materialistic.  

Is gratitude under our control?

Yes!  Research has shown that we control our gratefulness. It is something we need to consciously.  Focusing on the negative results in stress, digestive issues, headaches, focus issues and so much more.  Being grateful raises our bodies frequency, helps us relax and our body works better with less stress.  

There was an article in the Journal of Positive Psychology published in 2018.  They had a study on 153 people.  The separated them into groups.  One was told to focus on something they were grateful for and the others were told to focus on something unrelated.  The result was the group showing gratefulness were 5 times more positive than the other group. 

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your holiday:

Do nots:

  • Do not be grateful for the negative.  If your brain perceives something as negative it will most likely remain that way.  Being thankful for something negative can undermine the motivation to be grateful. 
  • Do not talk about politics, religion with others during the holiday festivity.  This will normally lead to a debate which in turn leads to a bit of stress which is not what you want.

The dos: Think of what you are truly grateful for.  

Here are some examples:

  • The ability to breathe
  • Your cherished relationships
  • The sunshine
  • Your pets
  • Having food on your plate
  • Waking up in the morning
  • Your health
  • Having a place to live
  • Being loved by others
  • The ability to see or hear

    There are so many things we have on a daily basis that can be praised and pleased about.  Making a routine of thankfulness and gratitude starts your day off positively and gets your mind and body ready for the day.  

Now since we have our minds ready, lets get our bodies ready!

Here are tips for staying healthy during the holidays:

  1. Run, walk or do a turkey trot in the morning
  2. Give back to the community by serving food to the homeless. 
  3. Go for a hike or walk
  4. Try using healthy sugar substitutes
  5. Eat fat and get protein at breakfast. This will lead to eating less later
  6. Play games outdoors: Scavenger hunt, frisbee, catch, football or whatever else your body can handle
  7. Make sure you get enough water
  8. Don't take food home or eat seconds

The holidays can be so much fun but can also be very stressful.  Make sure you are practicing healthy habits to keep you healthy throughout the year. 

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA chiropractor that understands full body health.  She works with athletes, expectant moms, office workers and everyone else in between.  Contact our San Francisco, CA chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office today!



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