Auto Accident FAQs

Auto accidents can result in painful neck, shoulder, and back pain injuries. Chiropractic care offers an alternative to prescription drugs for pain relief of musculoskeletal auto injuries. These FAQs from SpineCare Fridley, P.C. in Fridley, MN explain more about the benefits of chiropractic treatments for auto injuries.   


Why should I see a chiropractor after an auto accident?

Doctors and hospitals specialize in treating lacerations, burns, broken bones, internal issues, and similar auto injuries. Chiropractic care specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. If you’re feeling back, shoulder, or neck pain after an auto accident, our Fridley, MN chiropractor can help with pain relief.  

What kinds of musculoskeletal injuries can auto accidents cause?

Whiplash is a common auto injury, as are muscle sprains, ligament tears, spinal misalignments, herniated discs, and other soft tissue injuries. Musculoskeletal injuries can leave you with pain, inflammation, headaches, restricted mobility, and loss of sleep.

What can I expect from my first chiropractic visit?

Our chiropractor will review your medical history to get an accurate picture of your health and past medical issues. We’ll then give you a physical exam to determine the nature and severity of your auto injury. If necessary, we’ll take x-rays or an MRI to confirm our diagnosis. We’ll test your movements and take note of your symptoms. All this information will be used to outline your plan of treatment.

How does chiropractic care differ from medical treatment for musculoskeletal auto injuries?

Depending on your injury and physical condition, your physician may prescribe medications or surgery for treatment of your injury. Chiropractic care makes use of non-invasive, drug-free techniques and therapies to treat muscle, joint, ligament, and nerve injuries. Once we’ve identified the cause of your pain, we’ll customize a plan to treat your pain and its source to help your body heal naturally.

How does chiropractic care bring pain relief?

Chiropractic focuses on the root of your back, shoulder, or neck pain to promote natural healing. If your pain comes from imbalances in your neck or spine, we’ll use adjustments or spinal manipulation to realign your system so your body has a chance to heal.

Misaligned bones and bulging discs can put undue pressure on nerve roots in your spine, causing pain and inflammation. Restoring balance to your system releases this pressure to relieve pain and promote healing. By combining chiropractic adjustments with massage therapy and corrective exercises, we can expedite your recovery.  

We are a "No Fault" State- What does that mean?

 No Fault means everybody who has insurance has a portion automatically included called Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This PIP covers the insurance holder's personal body and has the goal of returning them to pre-accident status. It is $20,000 for medical expenses (Chiropractic) and in turn, there is no deductible or co-pay. Basically, no cost for the care for 3-5 months on the average treatment plan.

See Our Fridley, MN Chiropractor for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Auto Injury

Don’t let back, shoulder, or neck pain keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. Contact SpineCare Fridley, P.C., for chiropractic pain relief treatment. To schedule an appointment with our Fridley, MN chiropractor, call 763-780-4300 at your earliest convenience.

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