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We Offer Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in Temple, TX

Chiropractic treatments go beyond what other forms of medical intervention can do, particularly in addressing the underlying causes of chronic health problems. At Armstrong Chiropractic, we ensure all our patients get the most out of chiropractic care. Following your visit to our clinic in Temple, TX, you will gain a better appreciation for the unique benefits that only chiropractic treatments can provide. There’s no need to conduct an exhaustive search for a chiropractor near you; experience the versatility of chiropractic care by working with Dr. Armstrong at Armstrong Chiropractic.

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The Conditions We Treat

To illustrate the comprehensiveness of chiropractic care, consider the various conditions it can treat. Whether you’re dealing with a new or chronic injury, you can expect to experience relief after consulting with your chiropractor.

  • Joint Pain: Joint pain is one of the most common reasons people seek chiropractic treatments. This decision makes a lot of sense because chiropractic techniques excel at addressing joint pain. After your treatment sessions, you can enjoy lasting relief from back pain, neck pain, and other forms of joint discomfort.
  • Sciatica: Sciatica is another condition that a chiropractor near you can address. For those unaware, sciatica results from damage to the sciatic nerve, causing significant pain, muscle weakness, and incontinence. We offer effective treatment for sciatica at our clinic.
  • Chronic Conditions: Our chiropractic treatments also provide relief for chronic headaches, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. These chronic conditions respond incredibly well to chiropractic care because it addresses their underlying causes.


Learn how we can help with your pain

The Services We Provide

How do we offer lasting relief for different health conditions? The answer lies in our comprehensive services.

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Experience the benefits of expertly administered chiropractic adjustments firsthand. These adjustments excel at treating joint pain, sciatica, and numerous chronic conditions.
  • Corrective Exercises: We help our patients perform corrective exercises that alleviate symptoms, strengthen the body, and enhance flexibility, which can help you avoid future injuries.
  • Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice: The lifestyle and nutritional advice we provide can help you achieve long-term wellness. You can also learn more about your current condition by requesting postural and spinal screenings.

Choose Comprehensive Care From a Chiropractor Near You

Experience all the remarkable benefits of chiropractic care by partnering with Dr. Armstrong at Armstrong Chiropractic. Schedule your next appointment by calling us today at (254) 778-5575 or by visiting our office in Temple, TX.

Meet the Doctor

  • dr_stephen_armstrong
    Dr. Stephen Armstrong
    Dr. Stephen Armstrong has been freeing people of pain and increasing the quality of their lives at his clinic in Temple, Texas since 1992.


Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • From the time I walked into the office without an appointment on the 25th of January 2011, I was treated exceptionally well. I had injured my back on the 22nd of January and while in my dentist's office the morning of the 25th it was suggested that I go see Dr. Armstrong by my dentist. I walked into the office and was immediately greeted and asked what could be done for me. I wasn't asked what was wrong with me; I was asked 'What can we do for you?' I was given the necessary paperwork to complete and before I could complete the questionnaire, I was directed to the back office for x-rays and an examination. I felt that the staff recognized my problem was causing pain and did their best to move things along quickly to get me some relief. (Pt. #2 for the Staff.

    - JAMES (55), PATIENT SINCE 2011
  • When my daughter was in Junior HIgh she asked me to take her to the Doctor for pain in her legs. Due to my trust of Dr. Armstrong as an excellent 'diagnostic expert' for body pains, I brought her for an appointment.

    Laura was cured after a ten minute conversation. Dr. Armstrong asked her about her daily activities, because he knew that she must be aggravating a nerve in her spine. This nerve travels down both legs, and ends in the middle of the thigh. After she answered his questions about her activities at school including cheerleading, he found the problem. In one of the stretches my daughter was unknowingly putting undue pressure on a vertebrae. He advised her that once she quit this stretch that the pain would be done within a few weeks, and it was. Since, she has not had any more leg pain.

    - SUSAN (52), PATIENT SINCE 1991
  • When I first came in to see Dr. Armstrong I was in a wheelchair. I could barely get up and go to the bathroom. I was in the military and jumped out of airplanes ealier in my life and my back was really messed up. Dr. Armstrong got me out of that wheelcahir when I did not think anyone could.

    I trust him more than any other doctor anywhere. When I had a heart attack Dr. Armstrong came up to the hospital to see me. I would seek out his opinion before I follow advice from any other doctor, and I would take his word over theirs.

    There are very few people that I trust and Dr. Armstrong is one of them. I really appreciate his honesty and sincerity in taking care of his patients.

    - SONNY (70), PATIENT SINCE 2001



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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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