Tension Headaches

Tension headaches, also known as stress headaches, are relatively common and the pain can be mild or moderate. Tension headaches can affect your daily activities and productivity. Our chiropractor, Dr. Stephen Armstrong, at Armstrong Chiropractic Center in Temple, TX can tailor a treatment plan for your tension headaches.

Tension Headaches

What Are the Two Types Of Tension Headaches?

There are two types of tension headaches. The first is called episodic tension headache and these headaches can come on fewer than 15 days each month. A person who have episodic tension headaches can have it for 30 minutes or for a week.

The second type is called a chronic tension headache, which occurs more than 15 days every month. This type of headache can last for hours or it can be continuous.

What Are the Symptoms Of Tension Headaches?

The symptoms of tension headaches aren't usually debilitating, but they can make daily life difficult.

  • Pain or pressure on the front, top, or sides of your head. The pain can range from mild to moderate.
  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to sound and light
  • Difficult sleeping
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches

Who Gets Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches are often brought on by stress, however, there are a number of reasons that can bring on this tension.

  • Bad posture
  • Emotional or mental stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Alcohol use
  • Caffeine
  • Low iron levels
  • Jaw problems or dental issues

How Are Tension Headaches Treated?

Avoiding the things that trigger your headaches can be helpful, however, that is easier said than done. For most people, avoiding stress can be impossible.

A more effective treatment is chiropractic care. Tension headaches are caused by muscle tension, which then can cause the spine to become misaligned. With regular spinal adjustments, the severity and the frequency of the headaches can be reduced. Also, studies have shown that spinal alignments can lower stress levels. Since stress can trigger tension headaches, regular chiropractic care can treat both episodic tension headaches and chronic tension headaches. Finally, if poor posture is the cause of your tension headaches, regular chiropractic adjustments can improve your posture, preventing these headaches from happening in the future.

If you are suffering from frequent tension headaches, schedule an appointment with Armstrong Chiropractic Center in Temple, TX. Our chiropractor can create a pain treatment plan designed to reduce the frequency of your headaches as well as the severity. Call Armstrong Chiropractic Center today at 254-778-5575. 


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