Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc Treatment at Armstrong Chiropractic Center

When you have a herniated disc, you may feel as if your body has decided to stage a mutiny against you. This condition can compress nerves to cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, potentially robbing you of your ability to work, accomplish household tasks, and generally live a full and rewarding life. Drugs can only numb pain for a short while, and surgery is a last resort which can produce problems of its own. Fortunately, you have another, better option: non-invasive herniated disc treatment at Armstrong Chiropractic Center.

Herniated Disc Symptoms and Causes

Your vertebral discs get their cushioning ability from a gel-like substance called the nucleus pulposus, which is encased in a firmer outer structure called the annulus fibrosus. If a weakness develops in some part of the annulus fibrosus, that section may balloon outward and rupture. The rupture allows the nucleus pulposus to spill out onto neighboring spinal components, including sensitive nerve tissue. A herniated disc may cause no symptoms at all or it may disable you. Classic herniated disc symptoms include:

  • Neck pain
  • Low back pain
  • Cervical radiculopathy (tingling, numbness, pain or weakness in the upper extremities)
  • Sciatica (tingling, numbness, pain, or weakness in the lower extremities)
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control (in the most extreme cases)

Herniated discs can have a number of causes. A bulging disc often advances to become a herniated disc, for instance. When a bulging disc flattens out due to loss of hydration inside the nucleus pulposus, the loss of internal support can subject the annulus fibrosus to extra strain. Extreme twisting motions or trying to lift a heavy object can create a herniated disc. A high-impact injury, such as an auto accident injury, can include herniated discs among the other damage your body sustains. Even carrying too much weight can make you prone to herniated discs.

Non-Surgical Relief from Our Temple Chiropractor

Instead of sweating over the prospect of spinal surgery, bring your herniated disc to our Temple chiropractor, Dr. Stephen Armstrong. Chiropractic adjustments can move a herniated disc back into its proper space within the spinal column, enabling it to heal while also relieving nerve impingement and irritation. You may also benefit from corrective exercises to help you build your back or neck strength, or from nutritional lifestyle changes to help you shed those burdensome extra pounds.

Give Your Discs the Care They Need

Do you suspect that you might have a herniated disc? If so, the sooner you meet with our Temple chiropractor, the sooner you can start to feel better. Call Armstrong Chiropractic Center today at (254) 778-5575!


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