The Truth About Chiropractic Care

At ROCK Chiropractic, we believe health is much more than just how you feel, it’s how you function and express yourself. So here is the truth about Chiropractic Care.

The Truth About Chiropractic Care

A healthy spine is an often overlooked and essential part of a healthy lifestyle. People who suffer from back pain, particularly if it is long-term, are generally less healthy than those who do not. In fact, back pain costs are staggering not only financially, but also in terms of lost time from work and because of psychosocial problems that arise during the healing process associated with long-term back pain. 


People who are overweight or obese, who smoke, lift heavy objects, or have had a previous episode of back pain, are more likely to experience back pain. As so many people suffer from spinal pain, it’s important for you to try to keep your spine as healthy as possible. 


If you have lower back pain that’s causing significant problems or doesn’t seem to be improving, it could be worth trying manual therapy. A chiropractor can offer this type of treatment for any type of short or long-term general lower back or neck pain. They can also help with sciatica – pain that spreads from your back down your legs.


Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, and muscles), as well as the effects these disorders can have on the nervous system and general health. As well as using a range of techniques to reduce pain, improve function and increase mobility.


How can chiropractic help me?


The manual techniques used in chiropractic can help to relieve pain and improve how your back works. Chiropractors look at the underlying issues, instead of just treating the surface symptoms. 

The effects of Chiropractic treatment can help you to get moving again and assist you in getting back to your normal activities. Chiropractic care treats your body to the health it needs, treating the symptoms without prescription drugs or medication.


Keeping active, rather than resting is the best thing for back pain. It can mean you get back to work faster, you’re less likely to have long-term problems, and you’re less likely to get back pain again. Chiropractic care focuses on improving movement throughout your whole body, aiming to prevent any work-related muscle and joint injuries from surfacing or resurfacing. The direct results of Chiropractic care can see improvements to your posture, flexibility and athletic performance, whilst offering relief from headaches, neck and back pain.

Health Tips

Healthy living advice is a vital component of chiropractic care. Proper nutrition and fitness practices are critical to prevent, manage and overcome illness or injury. As trained health experts, ROCK Chiropractic can provide needed guidance in these areas.

Staying fit and flexible involves moving everyday which can also trigger a release of good feeling chemicals (endorphins) in your brain. Your “movements” don’t need to involve organised sports or aggressive physical activity, they simply must involve some level of physical activity in your day

A correct diet, eating the correct foods is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your health. In fact, even a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a positive impact on your health—and can also prevent a variety of health problems in the future. Staying hydrated, eating the right fruits & vegetables, lean proteins & avoiding processed foods will all help your immune system function properly, putting you in control of your own health potential.


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