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How Can Chiropractic Care Help Alleviate the Pain from Text Neck?

The increase in cellphone usage is putting a strain on the neck of each user. Think about your body mechanics when you are texting or scrolling through your phone. You likely have the phone down by your midsection and look down by tipping your head. This can lead to a condition known as “text neck.” Tallahassee residents who suffer from this condition will suffer pain and possibly have a lack of range of motion. Our chiropractic care at Magnolia Wellness Center can help sufferers find relief.

What Causes Text Neck?

The weight of the head weighs heavily on the cervical spine in the neck and the supporting structures. This can pull the spine out of alignment, stretch the ligaments and pull on the muscles. The damage that is done to these is cumulative, so the condition gets worse over time if the person continues to hang their head to look at the phone.

How Can Chiropractic Care Offer Relief?

One of the primary goals of chiropractic care for this type of neck pain is to get the spine into proper alignment. When this occurs, some of the pressure is taken off of the supporting structures. A chiropractor who is treating text neck will likely focus on a combination of adjustment methods, but the focus will be on the entire spine starting with the neck.

They must also address the problems with the supporting structures. Using ultrasound therapy, gentle stretching motions, and other techniques can help to accomplish this. The spinal adjustments won’t do any good without this supporting structure therapy since these structures might pull the spine back out of alignment.

How Can Patients Improve Healing?

You must stop tilting your head down to look at the phone. Bring your hands up and lower your eyes but keep your head straight. Proper posture can help a lot in these cases. Your doctor might also give you a strengthening and stretching program to follow, which can improve your healing.

Schedule Your Appointment

You don’t have to continue to suffer from the painful symptoms of text neck. Contact our multi-disciplinary team at Magnolia Wellness Center to set your appointment to get the treatment process started. You can call us at 850-656-6606 today!

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