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Therapeutic Acupuncture at Tallahassee Chiropractor

Therapeutic Acupuncture at Tallahassee Chiropractor

At Magnolia Wellness Center LLC, we have a deep understanding of the root cause of your pain. Through the power of acupuncture, we take a holistic approach in treating chronic pain conditions. However, pain relief only touches the surface of the many benefits of what acupuncture can do for you.

Relieving Chronic Pain through Acupuncture

Practiced for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has gained respect among the medical community for its ability to relieve pain, among its other healing abilities. In particular, acupuncture is helpful for managing back and neck pain, osteoarthritis pain, and headaches.

Promoting Weight Loss in Tallahassee

Many people are looking for a way to drop a few pounds. Why not let acupuncture be the key that opens up the door for you? Recent studies have shown that when combined with traditional ways of losing weight, acupuncture helps to boost weight loss.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that when someone has gained an excessive amount of weight, it is mainly caused by an imbalance within the organs of the body. Our skilled acupuncturist will target specific meridians that will encourage weight loss.

Stimulating Fertility with Help from a Chiropractor

Did you know that acupuncture can make a difference to women who are trying to become pregnant? For starters, it promotes blood flow to the uterus. In particular, acupuncture helps women who are having fertility treatments to feel less stressed and anxious, which may improve their success rates.  

Calming Nausea with Acupuncture

There are many reasons why nausea may be an issue for you. You could be suffering from nausea and vomiting experienced as a side effect of chemotherapy. If this is the case, there is good news. A 2017 review by the National Cancer Institute in the US and Europe showed that acupuncture is a successful treatment for nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy treatments.

Are you tired of being in pain? Are you looking to make changes in your mind and body that you may or may not be able to quite put a finger on? Having acupuncture performed by a certified chiropractor is a way to create a subtle yet powerful transformation in your body at a cellular level. Allow our caring professionals at Magnolia Wellness Center, LLC to bring your body into a state of balance and wholeness by giving us a call at 850-656-6606.

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