Shoulder Pain

Because the shoulder is one of the most mobile parts of the body, there are a lot of facets that can become injured and inflamed, thus causing you pain and discomfort.  Everything from sports injuries and overuse, to auto accidents and poor posture, can negatively affect the bursa, tendons, nerves, and the soft tissue of your shoulder area. Whatever the reason for your pain, we can help address the cause and put you on the path to wellness! 

Woman suffering from shoulder pain

What To Expect

We will make sure that your neck and spine are properly aligned, and also readjust the joints and ligaments in your shoulder area where necessary. Poor posture is one of the greatest contributors to shoulder issues, and our comprehensive treatment plan can include strengthening exercises that will help you to maintain good posture throughout the day. Dr. Coe and his associates will also review proper ergonomics that are fundamental in maintaining good posture when working at a desk and on a computer all day. We can also discuss other helpful lifestyle changes such as diet and nutrition profiles and exercise and stretching routines. It is our strong belief that our patients deserve to live pain-free!

Chiropractic Treatment from Your San Antonio Chiropractor

At Hildebrand Chiropractic, Dr. Sanford Coe is dedicated to providing our patients with effective, non-invasive, and drug-free treatments that relieve shoulder pain and also decrease the chance of it reoccurring. 

When the neck and spine are not properly aligned, the shoulders can bear the brunt of this condition. Our team is here to ensure that there is no blockage in your shoulders caused by misalignment and inflamed joints. If you have recently been involved in an auto accident or sustained a sports injury, we can help you to strengthen the muscles that support the neck and spine and help you protect that area from reinjury. In addition to the adjustment of your spine and neck, we will also make sure that your shoulder joints and ligaments are in their proper place and readjust where necessary.

Poor posture, and sitting in front of a computer all day, can also cause chronic shoulder pain. The team at Hildebrand Chiropractic will work with you to help you master good posture habits that will be beneficial to your entire body, especially your shoulders.

Are You Ready to Leave Shoulder Pain Behind? Call Hildebrand Chiropractic Today to Schedule an Appointment

Shoulder pain can be disruptive and have a negative effect on your overall quality of life. Call us today at (210) 736-1882 and start your journey to pain-free living! Hildebrand Chiropractic is conveniently located at 732 W Hildebrand Avenue in San Antonio TX.


Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-2:00 pm






  • "I was having severe lower back pain and received treatment for my back. I walked out feeling great. Highly recommend visiting this office."
    Mike R.
  • "first time going to any chiropractor best experience feels great and price is inexpensive great staff couldn't be more happy with my visits"
    Robert H.