Success Stories

Looking for a Corrective Care Chiropractor in Beaverton? Call us today to book your appointment (503) 574-4872

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This patient first came into our office complaining of constant upper back pain. She also experienced hand numbness several times a day that interfered with her ability to work and crochet. It was also noted that she used an inhaler weekly for asthma. After following Dr. Bell’s corrective care recommendations, this patient is living pain-free and virtually inhaler-free. 

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This patient was referred to our office for chronic low back pain. His pain had been persistent for the past 16 years. As a result, he was unable to play basketball, exercise regularly, and sit on the ground to play with his kids. This patient is happy to report that he is now able to play with his kids without limitations. He is even joining an adult basketball league. Corrective care chiropractic allowed his body to heal and return to its active state.  

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This patient was in a car crash 25 years ago and has suffered from headaches and sleep issues. She is no stranger to chiropractic; she previously saw 3 chiropractors but was unable to get lasting relief. When she came into our office, we learned nobody had ever taken x-rays or explained the root cause of her symptoms. This patient has now experienced a huge decline in headaches and is now sleeping throughout the night. 

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When this patient entered our office, she was recovering from an ulcer she received as a result of taking pain pills every day for the past year. For 12 years, she had experienced chronic neck pain and ringing in her ears. After following Dr. Bell’s corrective care recommendations, this patient no longer needs pain pills and the ringing has stopped. To prevent any backsliding, this patient continues seeing us for supportive chiropractic care. 

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This patient experienced a slip down the stairs at a party several years ago. He initially saw a medical doctor that prescribed opiates to manage the pain.  According to the patient, constant opioid use was a major contributor of his depression. After following Dr. Bell’s corrective care recommendations, this patient is able to live a normal, drug-free life. We still see this patient for wellness care and are amazed at the difference we see in him. 

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This patient competed in gymnastics as a child. She began to feel numbness and tingling in her hands during her teens. She was under the assumption that this was normal and happened to everyone. After consulting her primary care physician, she was referred out to a physical therapist. Physical therapy initially made it feel better but the problem persisted. After completing the recommended corrective care plan in our office, this patient is no longer experiencing numbness and tingling in her hands. To ensure her progress is not abandoned, she still makes it a point to come in regularly for maintenance care. 

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This patient is a chef. Chronic low back pain interfered with his ability to be on his feet throughout his workday which affected his income negatively. Unfortunately, this pain also made it impossible to participate in his weekly bowling league. After seeing his x-rays, this patient decided to complete the recommended corrective care plan. He is no longer missing days of work and is able to fully participate in his bowling league. To maintain these amazing results, this patient still comes in for supportive care.  

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This patient came into our office complaining of chronic low back pain for the past 10 years. He pushed through the pain but 2-3 times per year, his back would go out and he wouldn’t be able to work. He saw multiple medical doctors but never had x-rays taken. As a restaurant owner, he was frustrated with his inability to operate his business while pushing through the pain.  Chiropractic has allowed his body to heal better and return to a more productive state. 

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This patient came into our office with complaints of TMJD and severe neck pain. She noticed these symptoms after a horseback riding fall 5 years prior. Before meeting us, she tried acupuncture and massage. She noticed that it provided pain relief, but there was still a persistent problem. Since completing the recommended corrective care plan, she no longer suffers from TMJD and neck pain. 

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This patient has previously seen multiple medical doctors for her chronic low back pain. She had received spinal injections after physical therapy failed to solve the problem. After a surgical consult, this patient came into our office for a second opinion.  With corrective care chiropractic, this patient has been able to avoid harmful chemicals and non-FDA approved (off label) procedures that are commonly recommended to the public.

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This patient came into our office with complaints of chronic constipation, menstruation issues, and right hip pain. Corrective care chiropractic got her out of the hole and back to her normal productive self. Her reproductive and digestive systems are working better now. She still comes in regularly for supportive care to ensure she doesn’t experience a backslide.

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This patient has been experiencing back pain for the past 20 years and recently developed urinary incontinence. This significantly interfered with his ability to keep up with his three children. Corrective care chiropractic realigned the bones above and below the discs allowing them to heal better and, according to the patient,  significantly improving his incontinence.

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This patient experienced chronic neck and shoulder tightness that he blamed on poor ergonomics at work. He is expected to work on a computer 5-7 hours per day. During his exam, this patient mentioned he was considering changing careers because the pain wasn’t worth staying at his job. Corrective care chiropractic helped to align the spine at the core of the body. With the help of wellness care, he is able to continue working the job he loves without pain and give him the confidence to provide for his family. 

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This patient came to our office complaining of frequent headaches, chronic neck pain, and elbow pain. We were able to improve the curve in her neck and stop her symptoms as a result. This patient is continuing with supportive care to ensure the headaches, neck pain, and elbow pain do not return.  

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This patient was in a head-on car crash in 1995. He saw several medical doctors and nobody took x-rays to show him the root of the problem. For years, his pain would wake him up at night. He tried vitamins and supplements to ease his pain. A high pain tolerance allowed this patient to “push through it” but it was clearly affecting his loved ones. His wife made him an appointment at TPC and this patient is now able to sleep through the night without pain. 

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This patient experienced chronic headaches and debilitating migraines. When a migraine struck, she would have to stay in a dark, quiet room for hours. She consulted with optometrists but was unable to find a solution. A corrective care plan helped to made changes to the spine through time and repetition. She is ecstatic with the results and is happy that this problem was fixed the right way. With maintenance care, she will be more likely to keep these results.  

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This patient experienced chronic asthma since childhood. She used inhalers daily and couldn’t figure out why the asthma persisted. This patient also experienced neck and upper back pain but thought that these were unrelated to the asthma. After receiving an x-ray and physical examination at TPC, Dr. Bell took the time to explain how the body works in relation to the spine. After following the recommended corrective care plan, this patient's neck pain and asthma symptoms dramatically improved.   

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This patient’s medical doctor prescribed her medication for hyperthyroidism and neck pain. This case is still a work in progress but the patient has reported an increase in energy and is now able to sleep throughout the night without taking pills.  

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9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm




9:00 am-11:30 am



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