
Neck Pain Relief Minneapolis

Chiropractic Treatment and Correction for Neck Pain Mpls

Many of the most common activities that people do today can result in Neck Pain. Sitting slouched in front of the computer, texting or hunching over the steering wheel are often contributing factors. Neck Pain Relief can be found in the form of chiropractic care at Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness. We provide natural solutions for Sports Accident Neck Pain as well as advanced Whiplash Treatment options in Minneapolis. Don’t wait until the pain in your neck affects your quality of life.

Whiplash Treatment Minneapolis

A common misconception is that Whiplash Injuries are only associated with automobile accidents. Whiplash can occur from incidents including Sports Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents and an Assault. Whiplash Treatment options can vary as much as the cause of the injury itself. One of the most effective treatments is Chiropractic Care at the hands of a skilled chiropractor.

Chiropractic Neck Pain Relief              

Neck Pain including Whiplash Injuries is primarily a soft tissue injury that responds well to Chiropractic Treatments. The joints in your neck and spine are supported by soft tissue including muscles, tendons and ligaments. When the joints of the upper back and neck are out of alignment it can result in nerve or muscle pain throughout the neck, shoulders and back. Correcting the misalignment relieves pressure on nerves resulting in Neck Pain Relief.

Sports Accident Neck Pain Relief

Athletes are not immune to episodes of neck, back or shoulder pain. The team at Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness provides therapy solutions to resolve neck pain issues from sports accidents. Sports Injuries are often the result of overuse of muscles and joints but can be from a collision or accident that ends in whiplash.

Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness clinic provides diagnostic evaluations to determine the source of the pain and a treatment plan to relieve symptoms. Our treatment options for Neck Pain Relief include the following:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Stretching and Exercise Therapy
  • Phototherapy Laser Treatments
  • Massage Therapy including deep tissue and sports massage
  • EMS or Electric Muscle Stimulation

Effective Neck Pain Relief Treatments

Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness clinic has been providing Effective Neck Pain Relief Treatments for Minneapolis patients for over 24 years. Our team of Licensed Chiropractors and Massage Professionals utilize state of the art technology and hands-on treatments for Whiplash Treatment and Sports Accident neck pain help. Contact our office for relief of acute or chronic neck pain and symptoms.

Call Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness for an appointment today for Neck Pain Relief Treatments at 612-822-0149

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7:30 am-11:30 am

2:30 pm-6:00 pm



2:30 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-11:30 am

2:30 pm-6:00 pm



2:30 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-11:30 am






