
Neck Pain Relief Minneapolis MN

Suffering from neck pain? Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness, located in Minneapolis, MN can help you find relief! Our professional and licensed chiropractors are passionate about helping their patients and facilitating positive and lasting results. We offer multiple approaches, such as chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, massage and more. 

Importance of the Neck

Your neck is more than a place to show off jewelry. It constantly supports your head, enables you to look from one side to the next and up and down. Your neck also holds a number of arteries that transfer blood from the brain and the heart. The neck is extremely fragile, maneuverable and its proper function is necessary.

When neck pain occurs, every activity you (automatically) do becomes painful. You will be surprised at how often you actually use your neck, when you feel the pain with every movement. Neck pain can make an entire day draining.  Even getting out of bed can be an excruciating experience.

Reasons for Neck Pain

The human neck is very intricate, made up of arteries, nerves, muscles, a stack of vertebrae, cartilage and discs. That’s quite a list for how small it is in relation to the entire body. There are many reasons for neck pain, from sleeping wrong to health disorders but the majority of neck pain stems from stressing the muscles. Stress, in this instance, can be related to both the physical and emotional type.

Neck Muscle Tension

When stress builds, muscles tense up; when muscles tense up, the blood circulation slows, which only hinders performance more. This cycle continues and when left untreated, it just gets worse and worse. Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness has multiple methods that can interrupt this negative cycle and improve the habit that started the 'domino effect', improve blood flow and loosen the tightened muscles.

Whether your neck pain has been constant for weeks or years, or the result of a recent traumatic event, we can effectively relieve chronic and acute neck pain. Most people start seeing results immediately which they maintain for a lifetime. Call our office today at 612-822-0149 or email us at [email protected] to schedule your evaluation.  See what Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness can do for you! 

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Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am-11:30 am

2:30 pm-6:00 pm



2:30 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-11:30 am

2:30 pm-6:00 pm



2:30 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-11:30 am






