
Dow Chiropractic and Acupuncture

615 North Sherman Avenue Suite 22

Madison, WI 53704 US

(608) 233-3588


What is Acupuncture? 

Oriental Medicine recognizes 12 organs; the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, liver, heart, small intestines, bladder, kidney, pericardium, and the overall digestive tract. They produce blood and energy, which are the building blocks of proper body function. Blood flows in the blood vessels throughout the body. Energy flows on specific pathways throughout the body, as well. Physical, chemical, or emotional stressors can cause the organs to malfunction, blood to stagnate, and energy to stagnate. The function and healing process of vital body parts are affected at this point and although extreme health problems have been observed, it is more often not noticed at all. If the condition is allowed to go untreated, the body will attempt to support the affected area, but as the problem increases, the area starts to degenerate. The longer the condition is allowed to go untreated, the less chance there is for recovery. What began as a minor problem or discomfort may lead to irreversible damage. The purpose of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is to remove the interference to the flow of energy and blood back to normal and to reinstate optimal organ function.
Is Acupuncture safe?

Yes, the sterile, stainless steel needles used at our clinic are the highest quality Korean Spring 10 needles. You may experience two sensations with acupuncture; the insertion (which may feel like a mosquito bite), and the arrival of energy at the tip of the needle (which may feel achy, distending, warm, electric…) each person has a unique experience.  
Your first visit to the office will include a thorough consultation and an examination before beginning treatment. This will be necessary to determine what your health conditions are, and if acupuncture is right for you. If Acupuncture can help your problem your doctor will give you his recommendations for care and will provide you with all the information that you need in order to make a decision about what you would like to do.  

Acupuncture Definitions 

Energy - Vital substance- produced by the organs fl owing on pathways to every cell in the body. Energy moves the blood.  
Blood - Fluid circulated by the organs and energy through the vascular system, carrying oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. Blood nourishes energy.  
Organ - Part of the body adapted for specific functions that govern health, including the production of blood and energy.  
Acupuncture - insertions of hair thin needles into the body at specific points in the treatment of health problems.  
Chinese Herbal Medicine - Method of composing herbal formulas taken internally in the treatment of health problem.  
Oriental Medicine - Term used to denote a complete medical system-in use for over 50 centuries- that includes seven major branches of healing.

FEES AND PAYMENT: It is our policy to never turn away a patient who wants the care. If you are willing to work with us, we are willing to work with you. The fees vary as to the type and amount of chiropractic service, we have many payment options and insurance billing available, please talk to your doctor if you have financial concerns or for more information.


We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Dow Chiropractic and Acupuncture


8:00 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm



3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm



4:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:00 am




