Common Conditions Treated

At Lane Family Chiropractic, serving Delta, CO, Montrose, CO, Olathe, CO, Cedaredge, CO, Hotchkiss, CO, and the nearby CO regions, we help patients through natural means recover from injuries and better manage painful, chronic conditions. A chiropractor on our team can help you minimize or eliminate other symptoms as well. 


Whiplash is one of the more common chiropractic conditions we treat. You may develop this condition after a rear-end collision. It's also possible to sustain this neck injury from assault or a sports injury, particularly from one that includes physical contact.  

For this condition, we help with pain relief as we help heal the injury optimally. 


Sciatica is a common reason patients come to chiropractors for adjustments or other treatments. Sciatica is a type of pain that affect the lower back. With this issue, you may experience pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in your lower back, hips, buttocks, and down a leg. Sometimes, you'll have symptoms in both legs. 

Symptoms may stem from either damage to, or degeneration of, the sciatic nerve. If you're a pregnant woman, you may have sciatica symptoms because of the stress that it outs on your body.

Headaches or Migraines 

Headaches or migraines can affect you due to stress, hormone changes, nutrient deficiencies, or a range of other issues. At our practice, we can help alleviate the pain and reduce your symptom days naturally through adjustments and other chiropractic treatments, such as nutritional counseling. 

Back Pain

Back pain can arise in your life from several places. It can happen because of an injury, because of your lifestyle, or other factors. We can provide chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, and more to help you to achieve your wellness goals and get pain relief.


Depending on the type, arthritis can affect any joint in the body. It's associated with both pain and stiffness. The symptoms are progressive and could arise from problems with your immune system or wear and tear. 

The goal of treatment is to ease your pain and other symptoms and to help prevent it from worsening. 

Other Conditions We Can Help Provide Treatment for

Here is a list of the some of the other conditions that we can help treat:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Pre and post-surgical rehab
  • Hip replacement rehab
  • Joint replacement rehab
  • Sport injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Joint pain
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Auto injury

Visit Us for Help with Chiropractic Conditions

Visit a chiropractor on our team to find pain relief from these conditions or others. At Lane Family Chiropractic, we help with conditions and symptoms that can hinder your quality of life. We help people in Delta, CO, Montrose, CO, Olathe, CO, Cedaredge, CO, Hotchkiss, CO and the surrounding vicinities.

Call office at (970) 874-9724 for an appointment.

Lane Family Chiropractic


960 Main St,
Delta, CO 81416


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





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