Hip Pain

Hip pain is a difficult health issue to manage because of its wide-ranging effects. This type of pain is rarely contained as it often affects the legs, knees, and shoulders as well. Here at Lane Family Chiropractic, we can help make hip pain easier to deal with for our Delta, CO, patients.

The thought of asking a chiropractor to help with your hip pain may be new. We’re here to tell you why taking that approach to your treatment may be a good idea.


Some Causes of Hip Pain

The pain radiating from your hip could be symptomatic of a recent injury you sustained. It’s possible that you fractured your hip when you fell and that is the main cause of your pain.

But what if you didn’t sustain an injury recently? What could be the cause of your hip pain then?

One possible explanation for your hip discomfort is osteoarthritis or your hips may currently be misaligned. Until those misalignments are fixed, your hip pain might linger.

Your hip pain may also be caused by a pinched nerve. While making a sudden movement, a disc in your lower back may have popped out and that is now applying excess pressure on a nearby nerve. The pinched nerve may be responsible for the pain you are currently feeling.

Hip pain can also be the result of bursitis. Bursitis is a common wear and tear condition that is known to affect different joints throughout the body. The joints near your hips may be affected by bursitis and that can explain your pain.

Seek Chiropractic Care for Your Hip Pain

Look back at the common causes of hip pain we just discussed. If you are familiar with chiropractic care, you already know that the techniques chiropractors use may help address those issues.

Chiropractic adjustments may help ease the effects of osteoarthritis and bursitis. Once the adjustments are made, the pain caused by the misalignments in your hips may dissipate.

Those same techniques may work on pinched nerves. A chiropractor on our chiropractic team can help free pinched nerves by making certain adjustments.

Going to a chiropractor might also a good idea if you are currently recovering from a bad hip injury. While recovering from your injury, you may have a hard time moving around because your hips are too stiff. A chiropractor on our chiropractic team can help restore your range of motion. We can also help alleviate any lingering pain you may be struggling with.

Let a Chiropractor Help Handle Your Hip Pain

Hip pain is not something you have to live with without help. Come visit us at Lane Family Chiropractic and we’ll help you manage your hip pain properly. Our Delta, CO is here to help. Call us at (970) 874-9724 for more information.

Lane Family Chiropractic


960 Main St,
Delta, CO 81416


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





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