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About Us

Image of woman doing yoga.

Dr. Donovan emphasizes improving your health and function in an effort to reduce the risk of painful crisis, injury or illness. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. Dr. Donovan, in addition to using Chiropractic adjustments, and other manual therapy such as Graston Technique and Active Release Technique,  to help his patients.  He also addresses five key lifestyle factors; Diet, Rest, Exercise, Alignment and Mindfulness to help patients put health challenges behind them. At our office we aim to help people feel better and to give them tools to help them help themselves.

Our approach will take some back to a place that is familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new center, one never before experienced.

People recognize the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and empower them to maintain optimal health. Please take the time to meet the Dr. Donovan and his team. To fully understand the nature of your health we recommend you join our free website membership program. As a patient of Dr. Donovan we will personally tailor a program specifically mapped to your wellness goals using the efficient and effective techniques and services.


We look forward to hearing from you

Our Location

Our Regular Schedule

Dr. Dade's Office Hours


11:00 am - 6:20 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm


11:00 am - 6:20 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm


11:00 am - 6:20 pm


9:00 am - 12:00pm

