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Attention Dentists: Have Patients Using a Bite Guard That Are Still Experiencing Jaw Pain?

Chiropractic Services Can Help!

The public is increasingly aware that clenching or grinding teeth can be a serious problem. Dentists have done an excellent job of getting their patients bite guards, which prevent a great deal of pain and dental problems. Often the introduction of a bite guard is all a patient will need—but what steps can those unlucky few take?

Thankfully, there are treatment options beyond bite guards for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). Chiropractic treatments, like ART (Active Release Techniques), can be extremely effective in managing symptoms related to TMD, including:

  • Pain in the face, neck, and shoulders
  • Chronic tension in the muscles of the face, neck, and upper back
  • Limited jaw mobility, and possible locking in the open or closed position
  • Painful clicking or crunching sounds accompanying jaw movement
  • Headaches, earaches, dizziness, hearing problems, and difficulty swallowing

Dr. Dade’s approach is to identify the primary source of the dysfunction. Patients can have a joint problem or a soft tissue problem—and sometimes both. Knowing this directs how we proceed with treatment. Manual therapy is our primary tool, in the form of chiropractic manipulation of the jaw and Active Release Techniques on the soft tissues of the jaw. Beyond this, we identify and address any additional complicating factors.

Addressing areas that relate to the jaw can often mean the difference between a symptomatic problem and one that is well managed and rarely intrudes into everyday life. ART has been used by chiropractors for over 30 years to treat soft tissue disorders. Dr. Dade is ART certified, and ready to assess how his training can help sufferers of TMD further alleviate their symptoms.

In addition, Dr. Dade utilizes the acronym "DREAM" with his patients: diet, rest, exercise, and mindfulness. Read on to discover how changes to these areas of life can make an impact on TMD symptoms:

Diet – For very severe cases, a patient may need to adhere to a diet of strictly soft food. However, avoiding chewy foods (like steak) or foods that require an extreme jaw movement (such as a thick sandwich) can also help keep symptoms in check.

Rest – While dietary changes can rest one's jaw, getting more or better sleep goes a long way towards resolving TMD symptoms. This is especially true for myofascial pain or musculoskeletal conditions (and again, treating areas related to the jaw can help the root disorder). Another suggestion is that adding magnesium to a patient's bedtime routine can make a substantial difference in their sleep quality. For more on improving rest, see Dr. Dade for his "7 Rules of Sleep Hygiene" handout.

Exercise – Depending on specific conditions, Dr. Dade may suggest stretching and/or strengthening exercises. Stretching helps to loosen tight muscles and helps with localized congestion. Strengthening aids in diminishing tissue congestion, as well as tones muscles that have become inhibited.

Alignment – As an experienced chiropractor, Dr. Dade can help align different regions of the body, as well as individual segments. Often, Dr. Dade discovers that a patient’s posture can improve. Making sure one's head is not forward of the plumb (or balance) line is key, ensuring muscles and joints have proper alignment and less tension, stress, and wear.

Mindfulness – A condition such as TMD can be confusing and frustrating. Simply believing that you can get better can help. Believing something can be done can often get us to take actions that will help ourselves.

If bite guards alone are not resolving your TMD, perhaps this holistic approach can be considered. Dr. Dade would love to meet with any TMD sufferers and develop a strategic, customized approach for their specific situation and symptoms.


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