4339 West Kennewick Avenue

Kennewick, WA 99336 US



Success Stories


As you read these success stories we hope that you will be inspired and moved by the heart warming stories of people like yourself who have chosen chiropractic for a holistic approach to healing, pain relief, and lifelong wellness. Many of the stories will sound miraculous to you - and to those who experienced them, they were indeed miracles. But once you understand the underlying philosophy of chiropractic they are not really miraculous at all; they are just the results of the body's innate healing power being released to do its work.

If you have a story that you would like to share, please submit it via email or drop on by.  Chiropractic has affected many peoples' lives both in large and small ways, please don't hesitate to share.

  • "I like how quickly I get in to the doctor. I felt he listened to my concerns and preferences and has done a good job so far."
    - Melisa 09/10
  • "Excellent service and care."
    - Matt 06/10
  • "I have never gotten over an 'episode' so quickly. Dr. Child is awesome."
    - Donna 05/10
  • "Excellent care and service."
    - John 02/10
  • "I've been very pleased with the results after only a few visits."
    - Cassandra 02/10
  • "Everyone on the staff was friendly and wonderful. They got me right in and listened to my concerns and worked with me. Overall a great place with great people."
    - Pamella 01/10
  • "I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and have been going to Dr. Chan since I was 17 weeks pregnant. It got to where I was getting uncomfortable and made an appointment. I go see him every other week. I have two boys, a 3 year old and a two year old so I am constantly bending over to pick them up. When I was 23 weeks I fell while holding my two year old. I was pretty sore and achy in my lower back and hip area, so I decided to call and see about getting in the next day and they got me in. I was adjusted and could tell the difference immediately. I went through two pregnancies without seeing Dr. Chan. The difference is like night and day. I'm not nearly as uncomfortable as I was with my previous pregnancies. I have been sleeping through the night, which never happened before seeing Dr. Chan. The only thing I've done different with this pregnancy is I go get adjusted by Dr. Chan!"
    - Hilda 12/09
  • "During pregnancy, getting regular chiropractic adjustments was one of the only things that kept me comfortable enough to get much sleep. I also know that it would help things flow so that the baby and I could reach our optimum health. - When I was 40 weeks pregnant with my second baby and had been having regular contractions for 2 weeks. My body was getting very tired and I felt like there was something wrong. I asked my doctor if perhaps the baby's head could be stuck in the wrong position. He said they could do a c-section if I wanted, without really answering the question. I went to have Dr. Ted adjust my back to see if that could get things in the right position. Within an hour after the adjustment my contractions started getting progressively stronger and the baby came within 12 hours. -Now my kids, ages one and three, get regular adjustments (especially after one of their many tumbling incidents) to keep them healthy."
    - Jill 12/09
  • "I have always had headaches, earaches, and digestive problems. Doctors gave me antibiotics and other medicines to cover symptoms, but the problems kept persisting. When I was 23 I found chiropractic and have found real, lasting relief from these problems through regular chiropractic adjustments, diet changes, and regular moderate exercise. Adjustments are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle for my family and me. I get adjusted on a regular basis, with extra adjustments if a headache or other problem should arise. I can always tell when I've gone too long between adjustments. They help me sleep better, feel better, and even think more clearly. Chiropractic has filled the gap in my wellness care where conventional medicine could not."
    - Jill 12/09

Kennewick Office


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm






We look forward to hearing from you