
3052 North Park Dr.

Kingwood, TX 77339 USA

3052 North Park Dr.
Kingwood, TX 77339 USA

Conditions Treated

Conditions Treated By Our Chiropractor in Kingwood TX

No matter what physical ailment you're dealing with, you'd be wise to consider chiropractor care in Kingwood. Why? It's a natural, non-invasive, and drug-free treatment option for anything ranging from nerve pain to muscle spasms. In fact, since 1988 Dr. Jeff Coy has been helping people return to the type of pain-free, active lifestyle that they've been hoping for, with results seen in as little as one session! 

patient being treated for neck pain

Dr. Coy understands that every person who walks through his door--ranging from young children to senior adults--has individual needs and unique factors contributing to his or her symptoms and dysfunction. That's why Dr. Coy takes all the time and attention necessary to understand the root cause of dysfunction and establish a fully customized treatment plan that can naturally enhance the quality and rate of recovery. Treatment plans may include anything ranging from spinal adjustments, nutritional counseling, corrective exercises, physiotherapy, and lifestyle counseling. 

No injury is too great or too small! If you or a loved one is in pain, come find out what our Kingwood chiropractor can do for you!

Common Conditions Treated By Our Kingwood Chiropractor

Our Kingwood chiropractor, Dr. Coy, believes that your body has the power to heal itself. He also believes that chiropractor care in Kingwood is one of the best all-natural solutions to helping your body do what it does best. He relies on a variety of advanced chiropractic techniques and over three decades of clinical experience to help people of all ages find relief from a wide variety of health conditions, including: 

Neck Pain

From text neck to poor ergonomics to stress, so many things can lead to pain and stiffness in our joints.

Low Back Pain

Up to 80-90% of people are expected to experience low back pain at one point in their lives, so if you're experiencing an acute or chronic bout, know that you're not alone--and that chiropractic care can help.

Disc Problems

Your interverterbral discs may bulge (stick out) or herniate (break and leak), which can lead to a wide variety of symptoms.


This syndrome--caused by rapid acceleration/deceleration of the body--leads to pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.

Sciatica Pain

Pressure on the sciatic nerve (a large nerve exiting on either side of your lower spinal cord) can lead to weakness, numbness, and pain in the leg.


Are you particularly stiff and painful in the morning? Chiropractic care can help maximize the strength of nearby muscles and improve range of motion in your affected joints.


Spinal adjustments and other natural techniques can do wonders for a person suffering from migraines or tension headaches--no drugs necessary.

Spine/Ankle/Wrist Sprains & Strains

Sports injuries and other kinds of accidents happen; when they do, chiropractic care should be first in line to reduce inflammation, promote tissue healing, and relieve pain.

Shoulder Pain

Our Kingwood chiropractor focuses on a lot more than just your spine! He can diagnose and treat a variety of shoulder-related conditions including biceps tendonitis, rotator cuff strain, adhesive capsulitis, and shoulder instability.


An allergic reaction is essentially an over-the-top immune-mediated reaction; by improving the function and efficiency of your nervous system (and by ensuring that nutritional and lifestyle factors are ideal) through spinal adjustments and other techniques, a chiropractor can help relieve your allergy symptoms.


Spinal adjustments and massage therapy can help improve the flow of your digestive system, which may become impaired due to intestinal gas and obstruction caused by colic; fortunately, chiropractic care is even safe for babies and young children.

Joint Dysfunction and Subluxation

If too mobile, not mobile enough, or misaligned, joints--including spinal, rib, pelvic, shoulder, and hip joints--can cause pain and difficulty with day-to-day tasks.

Pinched Nerve

Nerves exit the spinal column through tiny openings in your vertebral bones; if the bones move out of place or if a nearby muscle becomes tense, the nerve can become impinged, leading to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition is caused by pressure on the median nerve as it crosses the wrist and enters the hand, and can lead to weakness, pain, and "pins and needles" in parts of your hand.


This condition causes widespread pain and fatigue, but responds positively to chiropractic care that focuses on improving the function and communication of your nervous system.


An abnormal "S-shaped" curve of the spine caused by scoliosis may not be correctable, but our Kingwood chiropractor can help you or your child minimize symptoms by maximizing postural control, trunk strength, and movement patterns.

Is Your Health Not Where You Want It To Be? Our Chiropractor In Kingwood TX Is Here For You!

For over 31 years, Dr. Coy has been helping people just like you recover from injury and experience the gift of optimal health through natural, non-invasive, and whole-body approaches to wellness. To schedule an appointment with our chiropractor in Kingwood TX today, call 281-359-5333 now.


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