Regenerative Medicine FAQs

Regenerative Medicine Questions Answered by Our Chiropractor near You in Knoxville, TN

First Choice Integrated Health Care is a chiropractic clinic that's dedicated to a wide range of services, including regenerative medicine. This complex form of therapy has been vital in helping those with chronic and otherwise difficult to heal injuries. Regenerative medicine works on the cellular level to help a patient regenerate damaged tissue. When applied correctly, the regenerative therapy will target the most damaged aspects of the patient's body. If you're looking for a qualified chiropractor near Knoxville, TN, who can deliver regenerative medicine, we've got you covered.


Stem Cell Therapy

The most commonly known form of regenerative medicine is stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy works alongside tissue regeneration. This form of therapy works to repair and replace cells. Our doctor who performs stem cell therapy goes out of his way to ensure our patient's safety and well-being. 

What Conditions Are Treated with Regenerative Medicine?

When it comes to the chiropractic field, regenerative medicine is often used to treat musculoskeletal disorders, particularly conditions that involve damaged tissue. This might include sciatica, a medical condition where the sciatic nerve is damaged from impingement or irritation. Regenerative medicine has also been applied to sports-related injuries and complications. Some athletes prefer regenerative medicine as a way to boost their athletic enhancement. If this is your goal, you'll need to discuss your goals with your chiropractor. 

When to See a Chiropractor Near You

If you have neuropathy, then regenerative therapy might be the best solution for you. Nerve damage will usually manifest through numbness, tingling, or a pins-and-needles sensation throughout the body. This is often related to your spinal cord, which is directly connected to the body's nervous system.

Finding Regenerative Medicine Treatment Knoxville, TN

To learn more about regenerative medicine, call First Choice Integrated Health Care at 865-577-1213. We can answer your questions and schedule you an appointment for treatment.

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