
Important Nutritional Guidelines for Staying Lean at Home!

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the companion to this post on nutritional guidelines for staying lean at home during the COVID-19 crisis! Our series of 4-minute videos to supplement your regular chiropractic care and take your wellness to the next level! In this segment, we offer the building blocks of nutrition to keep you lean at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information and education, click here.

Nutritional Guidelines for Life Long Wellness and Fat Loss

1. Eat something every 3 to 4 hours.

- To keep your metabolism burning fuel, it is important to have multiple small meals a day, as opposed to 3 large meals.

2. Every meal you consume should contain a protein source:

- Protein helps your body burn fat and prevents sugars from spiking your insulin levels.
- Example protein sources: meats, fish, poultry, eggs, egg whites, turkey, pork, dark nuts
(almonds/walnuts; not peanuts), protein shakes and bars, cottage cheese.
- Check nutritional facts label. If the food or product has higher amounts of protein compared
with fats and carbs, then it is most likely a protein source.

3. Every meal should have a vegetable source:

- Especially green veggies like spinach, broccoli, celery, dark green lettuces, and other dark
greens will help cleanse the colon and help with digestion, hydration, and fat loss.
- For simplicity, think, every meal I want a protein and a vegetable to eat.

4. Consume carbohydrates sparingly, and only in the morning hours of the day.

- Healthy carbohydrate examples: low glycemic fruit, beans, brown rice, sweet potatoes,
yams, 100% rice pasta, cottage cheese, quinoa, and amaranth.
(Notice that all healthy carbs are natural, unrefined, unprocessed, wheat-free foods.)
- Unhealthy carbohydrate examples : Breads/grains, white pastas, white rice, fruit juice,
pastries, pancakes, sweetened oatmeal and granola, refined and processed goods, and
pretty much anything boxed or canned that is found at the super market.

5. Use the “Fist” rule to determine serving sizes.

- To keep things simply, you can use the size of your fist to determine how big a portion you
should eat for each protein or vegetable source. As the evening comes, you can eat even
smaller portions in order to reduce hunger before bed, but do not avoid snacking just
because it's night time. Follow the 3 to 4 hour rule eating rule.

6. Drink 2-3 liters of water a day

7. Keep a food log and track what you eat each day. This will help you stay on task and keep to a simple, manageable plan.

Winning Formula =
Eat every 3-4 hours
Protein and veggies every meal
Plenty of water (2-3 L)
Consume carbohydrates sparingly
Keep a food log

Written by Dr. Ben Glasman


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