
Headaches & Migraines

Do you experience migraines or debilitating headaches? 

As my loving wife would say, “I wouldn’t wish a migraine on my worst enemy.” They are one of the worst types of headache you can experience and part of why I study neurology. I have a vested interest in making sure that the ones I love never experience this pain again. -Dr. Ben

Migraines are a neurological phenomenon, characterized by having throbbing, pulsating pains on one, or both sides of the head. Many patients describe the pain as “jumping around” and can be so debilitating that it prevents you from wanting to move. Many patients who come to our Chiropractic clinic complain of having sensitivities to light, sound, movement, smells, and other senses that become overwhelming before and during a migraine. You may experience an “aura” or warning sign that one is coming on and it can last anywhere from 2 to 72 hours at a time. Chiropractic and our specialty in Functional Neurology can do a world of good in not only helping reduce migraine frequency but intensity as well! 

Migraine Risk Factors

  • Sex (women 2-3 times more common than in men)
  • Age (migraines have been shown to decrease after menopause and may have a hormonal component.)
  • Genetic susceptibility
  • Oxygen reducing conditions or disease
  • Blood flow conditions can exacerbate the condition
  • Food sensitivities and other environmental triggers may play a role
  • Chronic Stress

Signs & Symptoms

  • Aura (preceding the headache you may have signs of light sensitivity, sound, or smell sensitivities
  • Unilateral pain or Bilateral pain that switches sidedness
  • Autonomic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, double vision, other gastro pains)
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Diffuse sweating, frequent urination, pallor
  • Possible neck pain

Our Approach to Migraines

Every migraine has different causes, triggers, and sensitivities from person to person. It is important to work with someone who knows how to investigate all 3 of these components. At our Chiropractic clinic, we do an extensive look into physical, chemical, and emotional factors that impact the headache, and develop effective means of resolution. Some of our strategies include:

  • Specific Chiropractic Adjustments (effects blood flow and neural energy – highly important in migraines)
  • Functional Neurology testing and care (advanced neurologic stimulation techniques to help balance the brain and improve neural firing)
  • Clinical Nutrition (Used to investigate food and environmental sensitivities)
  • Hormone testing
  • Stress/Cortisol testing
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Active Release Technique (Muscle “stripping” technique used when a muscular contraction is seen as a factor)
  • Stress and relaxation strategies
  • Postural training (if poor posture is seen as a factor)

There are many different “therapies” out there. The real importance is having a thorough and distinct diagnosis. Migraines are complex. At the Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Center in Fairfax, VA we take the time to understand. That is our biggest asset responsible for our patient’s success. 

Don't continue living with headaches, as our practice shines at helping them. Schedule your appointment today!


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Temporary COVID-19 Hours


8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-4:30 pm




8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-4:30 pm




8:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-4:00 pm


8:00 am to 11:00 am Alternating starting May 30th

