
April Showers Bring Physical Wellness!

Spring is here and the weather is (hopefully) warming up! April is also National Physical Wellness month and we believe that physical wellness is only one part of the whole package of being well.

So what exactly is wellness? Well, that depends on who you ask! Many people look at a multi-pillar holistic view of wellness that includes social, physical, occupational, environmental, emotional, financial, spiritual, and intellectual wellness to create an entire well person. But a chiropractor has an individual view of wellness, so let’s sit down with our very own Dr. Ben for a chat about what wellness looks like for him!

What is a chiropractor’s definition of wellness?

Well, from a chiropractic standpoint, means optimizing our health, physically, emotionally, and

chemically. Stressors gradually take away from one’s health, symptoms or not. Physical stressors may be

sitting all day at work, tension while we sleep in an uncomfortable mattress, or an actual strain or

injury. Emotional stress can erode our health, whether we experience a loss in the family, are fired from

our job, or losing a loved one. Chemical stress refers to things we put in our body, whether it be an

unhealthy diet, pollutants from our environment, or expose to medications and drugs. These stressors

can gradually cause symptoms and problems to occur. As chiropractors, it is our due diligence to help

patients heal, recover, and improve, but it’s also just as important to maintain and prevent. Preventive

wellness care involves seeing your chiropractor as a way to reduce the stressors that take away from

our health, and optimize our nervous system, so our body can better mount a strong defense system.

Simply put, when our spine is 100% functional and healthy, our nervous system is 100% functional,

creating optimal health and wellness against life’s challenges.

What do you personally do to stay well?

Well, I was an athlete before I was a chiropractor, so exercise and diet have always been a mainstay in my

wellness regimen. I also get adjusted by my chiropractor, at least twice a month, if not once a week. I

need to be in the best shape possible to help my patients, and with preventive care, I can bend, squat,

and work hard to help my patient’s stay healthy, without hurting my own body in the process. So I was a

patient first, and preach what’s helped me, because I know I’d neither be a chiropractor nor even be

walking if it weren’t for the life-changing experiences I had when I was younger. I also pray every

morning and evening and meditate before starting work, to clear my mind and help optimize my spiritual wellness. A sound mind and body are necessary to take on the challenges of today’s busy

lifestyle. Those are just a few things I do to keep at my best, but with the changes life throws at us, it’s

important we morph with the change and find new ways to keep our minds active, as well as our bodies.

So, I am constantly looking for educational seminars, lectures, and articles to further my brain potential.

How does chiropractic in particular fit in the overall picture of holistic wellness (and how does it tie into any of the other pillars)?

The goal of chiropractic care is to optimize our body’s natural potential to heal, protect, and nurture our

development and lifestyle. Daily stressors are combated by a fully functioning nervous system, which

helps control and manage our physical, mental, and chemical health. Just like healthy eating habits,

good sleep habits, and exercise, I believe chiropractic should be at the base of people’s wellness

strategy. Wellness care prevents further nerve and joint issues that can take away from our health, and

never seeing the chiropractor is like never seeing the dentist. You’d never think of omitting dentistry

from your wellness plan. And we know how important it is because we can SEE our teeth. We can’t see

our spine and rely on symptoms to tell us something’s wrong. However, patients can go years and

decades with slow, degenerative spinal problems occurring before symptoms even arise! Therefore, it is

imperative that everyone, regardless of age, should get checked by their local chiropractor. With a

healthy spine comes a healthy nervous system, and it’s our nerves that link our brain to our body’s

muscles, organs, and skin. It’s time we take another look at spinal health, not as a piece of the puzzle,

but as part of the foundation of the board that holds the many pieces of health together.”

What does your wellness look like? Are you missing pieces of a holistic wellness? We can help you build your pillars up. Call 703.291.6677 for a consult today!


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8:00 am to 11:00 am Alternating starting May 30th

