
Heart Health Starts With You!

February is American Heart Month and we love wearing Red!

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in American men and women, and we have all of  you in our hearts! So let’s help you wear red and keep your hearts healthy by covering some of the signs and symptoms of heart attacks, ways to keep that heart healthy, supplements to help keep your heart at its peak, and a bonus surprise for the month of February!

Heart attacks are scary business, and only some of them are sudden and intense like you see in a movie or tv show. Most heart attacks start slow with mild pain or discomfort, and many people wait until it’s too late before getting help. Chest pain or discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack, but men and women have different symptoms. Women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, jaw and back pain, nausea or vomiting. Some women even think their heart attacks are acid reflux. When in doubt, have it checked out! Tell your doctor about all your symptoms quickly, because those minutes can save lives. Call 9-1-1 or head to the emergency room and have your symptoms be ruled out.

So how do you keep a heart healthy?

Go for regular screenings! Once a year check up with your doctor and your bloodwork and also checking in on your blood pressure will help give you an idea of your baseline heart health so you know when something seems off!

Eat right! One of the first things your doctor will tell you to do if your blood pressure or bloodwork comes back abnormal is to check your diet! How are you eating? What healthier choices can you be making?

Take a deep breath! Doesn’t that feel nice? Taking time to relax can help keep your heart healthy. Dropping stress and cortisol levels can decrease the risk of heart attack, and keep you feeling good. And one of the best ways to decrease stress is with…

Exercise! Getting your body moving has major benefits for your entire body system, so grab your sneakers, a ball, even your favorite fitness app, and just get moving! Every little bit helps, so even taking a few extra climbs up the steps at home is a great way to get that heart moving for you!

Finally, healthier hearts through...chiropractic? Absolutely! Chiropractic has been shown to lower blood pressure, and improve heart function. Chiropractic also decreases inflammation, a risk factor in cardiac events. Chiropractic can also increase lung function which can help during exercise so you can keep that heart moving!

What else can you do for your heart care?

How about some supplements? Supplements are a great addition to your regular diet to help give your heart a little extra love. In particular, adding fish oil to your diet is a great way to boost your heart health because it reduces the risk of heart disease by improving blood flow, lowering cholesterol, and improving cardiovascular function! It does all of this by decreasing inflammation in the body!

Fairfax Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center knows you put your heart in our hands so as an added bonus we are offering a 10% discount on all heart specific supplements! Here’s the list and a bit about how they can specifically help you!

Pharmax Fish Oil  - in both the liquid and capsule form can help reduces the risk of heart disease by improving blood flow, lowering cholesterol, and improving cardiovascular function! It does all of this by decreasing inflammation in the body

Apex Energentics: Glysen-Synergy™ - combines four complementary formulas that each support sugar metabolism and help maintain blood sugar levels. It is meant to aid those with insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and poor/slowed metabolism.


Biotic Research: KappArest - Specific formula for anti-inflammation within the blood stream. It helps promote healthy blood flow, cardiovascular health, and aids auto-immune issues.

These listed supplements are 10% off for American Heart Month 2018!


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