
Adjust Your Pregnancy Expectations With Chiropractic!

One of the best things moms can do starts before their children are even born! In addition to healthy eating and appropriate amounts of exercise as recommended by a doctor, chiropractic will help mom’s body stay strong during the length of the pregnancy. Not only has chiropractic been shown to relieve the aches and pains of pregnancy, but many individuals have also reported that regular chiropractic adjustments have helped tame that pesky morning sickness!

During the pregnancy, as the fetus develops and the stomach grows larger, the body adjusts to maintain physical balance. This means that the spine extends and the lower curve of the spine (called the lordotic curve) becomes more pronounced. Typically, the abdominal muscles support the spine, however during pregnancy, those muscles are occupied with the task of holding the baby. With the spine unable to stretch and flex in the same way, and the abdominal muscles occupied, stress on the spine and surrounding tissue can occur. This stress due to misalignment can cause not only lower back pain, but pain along the whole body!


When the back is out of alignment this often can mean that the pelvis is out of alignment as well. Naturally, the pelvis is a very important structure during the birth, and a misaligned pelvis can make it difficult to get the baby into the best position for the birth. In addition, the correct alignment can not only keep the baby in the correct position, but also help strengthen the whole body to reduce labor and delivery time! Chiropractic has been shown to be a safe and natural remedy for morning sickness, pregnancy pain, and comfort during labor.

We at the Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center know how important your pregnancy is to you and we want to help your family grow in the most healthy way possible. Our team has resources dedicated to pregnant individuals to allow for safe, comfortable chiropractic adjustments. Call 703.291.6677 to schedule your visit and let us help you welcome a happy new addition into the world!!


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2:00 pm-4:00 pm


8:00 am to 11:00 am Alternating starting May 30th

