
Subluxation: More Than A Bone Out Of Place


For decades a quiet debate has been ongoing both within and beyond the chiropractic community over the concept and proper definition of the subluxation. The original definition of over a century ago was that the subluxation was a loss of the normal relationship of a vertebrae with the vertebrae above and/ or below to an extent less than an actual dislocation that may cause nerve irritation. This served adequately for decades to explain localized back and neck pain and even limb pain. But with the major advancements in neuroscience over the last several decades, the subluxation is seen to have much greater influence over the body and its correction much deeper effects. The emergence of research with an eye toward non-musculoskeletal systems responding to spinal manipulation has been instrumental in recasting the definition of subluxation in a broader and comprehensive sense.

    Let us take a look at just some of the recent evidence supporting a rethinking of the entity known as the subluxation.  Two studies in 2010 and 2011 showed that correction of dysfunctional vertebrae lead to changes in brain chemistry and temporary nerve activity in the cerebral cortex. (1) (2) Another study showed that correction of subluxation at various spinal levels increased skin blood flow along the nerve pathways of each level. (3) A 2006 study demonstrated anti-inflammatory, joint specific effects of spinal instrument adjusting. Inflammation is the cause of the more intense type of joint pain. (4) Two studies in the area of pediatric chiropractic demonstrated that manipulation rapidly produced significant reductions of infant colic. (13) (14)

    We now see the broad multisystem effects of subluxation and the need for a rethinking of its definition.  The definition issued by the Council on Chiropractic practice: “ Subluxation is a neurological imbalance or distortion in the body associated with adverse physiological responses and/or structural changes, which may become persistent or progressive. The site for the correction of the subluxation is via the vertebral column.”

    The subluxation can affect virtually every system of the body. Surely much more than just a bone out of place.

  1. Ogura T, Tashiro M, Watanuki S, Shibuya K. – Alt THer Health and Med, 2011;17(6):12-7.

(2) Haavik-Taylr H, Murphy B. JMPT, 2010;33(3):178-188.

    (3) Karason AB, Drysdale IP. JMPT, 2003;26(4):220-5   

(4) Song XJ, Gan Q, Cao JL, Wang Z-B, Rupert RI. JMPT, 2006;29(1):5-13

    (5) WIbergJmm, Nordsteen J, Nilsson N. JMPT, 1999;22(8):517-522    

    (6) Miller JE, Newell D, Bolton JE. JMPT, 2012;35(8):600-607.



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