1. How long will I need to come for adjustments?

Believe it or not, doctors of any kind can’t heal you; only God can do that. But, He also created your body to heal itself.  All types of medicine are based on this concept. Chiropractic, physical rehabilitation and therapeutic massage, are designed to facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal, unlocking some of the gateways to better, faster, stronger health, and reducing some of the limitations caused by the myriad issues you may face.

The nervous system (our body’s electrical system) is intertwined into every area of the body, and the spine is the protective barrier over the main “electrical box”.  Since the nerves affect every organ, system, and part of the body, you may be surprised at the benefits the whole body will reap, as you open those pathways up through your chiropractic care treatment plan.

Since everyone’s body heals at different rates, there is no one answer to this question. Children’s bodies tend to heal the fastest, while adults and seniors usually take a little longer.

Return visits are calculated based on decades of research, as well as, the doctor’s assessment made at your first and second visits. Chiropractic care is a team endeavor. Our skills and your participation at home and work are essential. We know that if you do not receive well-planned and well-timed adjustments, the healing pattern can be impaired. This is why is it important not to miss any of your appointments. We want to see you improve as quickly as your body is able, but don’t want to create more issues, by rushing the natural course of the body’s healing process, thwarting a positive outcome.  In this microwave society, we are accustomed to getting what we want, now; however, healing moves at its own pace.  

We know that once the body starts to feel better, it is tempting to stop coming before you are released from care; money is tight, and time is fleeting.  The reason we want to see you complete your specific regime is that although you are feeling better, and we are thankful for that, stopping before your care is completed, may predispose you to a relapse, which will cause you more time and money in the long run.

So, the best answer to this question is to ask Dr. Dornbier after his assessment of your particular circumstances and issues. His assessment will take into consideration your age, general health and all the unique problems you are facing.  He will write a tailor-made treatment plan for you.

2. Does chiropractic care cause arthritis?

Absolutely not.  According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information website (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), there are many causes of arthritis.  Chiropractic care is not listed as one of them.  In fact, chiropractic care can help with arthritis. Many of us grew up hearing our mothers, teachers, and other authority figures, tell us to stop cracking our knuckles or we will end up with arthritis.  We appreciate their love and concern, but studies show that not only is this an old wives tale, but the type of grinding done during knuckle cracking is vastly different than the ‘cracking’ done in the chiropractic office.

3. Is Chiropractic safe for arthritic patients?

Absolutely. Chiropractors are integrating with medical doctors as part of your health care team at a quick pace.  Studies are revealing that careful chiropractic care can bring relief to many cases of arthritis.  It is important to tell your chiropractor if you have been diagnosed with this condition during your assessment.  however, it is not uncommon for Dr. Dornbier to be the first to diagnose arthritis.  With his training in multiple disciplines of care, he has a vast arsenal of potential relief, and if he believes that your treatment would best be handled by another part of the medical community team, he will not hesitate to refer you to other practitioners.

Since arthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints, lifestyle can be in jeopardy.  This can be debilitating at worse, and aggravating in the least.  The most common types of arthritis include Osteoarthritis, which wears down the cartilage of the joints, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, in which the immune system of the body attacks its own joints.  Chiropractic care, alongside the care of your primary care doctor or Rheumatologist, makes a great addition to your team for this condition.  

4. Does it hurt to get an adjustment?  What will I feel?

There is often the sound of a ‘click’ when the joint is mobilized. The sound is produced as the joint is cavitated, and fluid rushes across the joint space.  A highly inflamed joint will be tender to palpation, thus, initial visits usually include therapy to relax the surrounding irritation and soft tissue.  Once this inflammation is reduced, the joint is easier to mobilize and is much less uncomfortable.  

There can be a sensation of movement, experienced as little more than a light tap, to a quick feeling of discomfort, that quickly turns into an “ahhh”.  It is possible you will have a bit of discomfort after the adjustment as the adjacent muscles and tissue redistribute their tension, but this gives way to the comfort of a well aligned spine after a few hours.  Drinking plenty of water to flush out any toxins released can help speed this up.

5. Which mattress or pillow is best for me?

Dr. Dornbier usually recommends a medium-firm to firm mattress for his patients.  Each person is different in their response to materials, such as memory foam, springs, and even air support. What will work for one person, may actually aggravate the next. The important thing to remember when considering a mattress purchase, is the ability of the material to support the heavier areas of the body.  The majority of one’s body weight is found between the shoulders and the hips.  

A soft mattress will allow this area to “sink in,” causing more tension and stress on points above, below, and around the skeletal segments.  Thus, finding a mattress that readily supports the heaviest portion of the body, is usually the best choice for pain free sleeping.  

6. What ages do you work with?

Dr. Dornbier treats all ages; from newborn (even prenatal care) through geriatrics. We have provided a bit of information on this subject under our “WELLNESS” tab on our main page, addressing particulars for men, women, children, pregnancy, and seniors.

7. Do you treat expectant mothers?

Pregnancy can cause the bones to shift, especially within the pelvis and along the spine. Chiropractic care can aid in easing the associated discomfort, without drugs.  Dr. Dornbier can also suggest ergonomically helpful changes, exercises, and nutritional advise for a healthy pregnancy. There are many very safe and gentle techniques that are designed to treat expectant mothers.

During this unique time in life, hormones in the body change the flexibility found within the joints.  Thus, Dr. Dornbier utilizes a variety of treatment styles to safely relieve discomfort associated with pregnancy.

Chiropractic will help keep the proper support you need, to carry the extra weight, and remember, massage is not just for pampering.  Many studies show that massage during pregnancy may shorten the stay in the hospital after giving birth, and help pre-term infants gain weight faster, than if their mothers did not receive massage during pregnancy.

8. Can poor posture cause back pain?

Yes, and back pain can most certainly cause poor posture. Obviously, this cyclic issue needs intervention. Your posture at work, play, and sleep, can wreak havoc with the nerves in your spine. It can even eventually create all manner of aches and pains throughout the body. Believe it or not, there is a new diagnosis called “Text Neck,” specifically related to this age of hand-held electronic devices. Check out the information about neck pain under the "WELLNESS" tab.

9. Does sciatica always require surgery?

Are you sitting on a mound of money?  Most of us wish we were, but sitting on one’s wallet can actually cause painful results. Sciatica, or pain that shoots down the leg from the lower back, often accompanied by burning, weakness, tingling or numbness, is quite prolific. Pregnancy, trauma, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis are some of the many culprits creating this shooting pain.  

Simply coughing or sneezing may send the back into spasms with this condition.  Amazingly, even hip rotations can create pressure to bring it on (see the section on orthotics).  Funny, the Celts actually blamed sciatica on elves shooting them because they simply could not explain what caused it.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body and runs from the lower back, down the buttocks, into the back of each leg, and on into the foot.  Pain can be intense, sharp, dull, constant, or intermittent, and tends to gradually increase or intensify if not treated.  

Gratefully, patients find that sciatica responds very well to the treatment Dr. Dornbier uses for this sometimes complex issue. Restoring spinal composure through exercises, therapies, and adjustments, will usually bring relief.  

Though spinal stenosis is often more difficult to treat than some other conditions, and cannot be "cured," regular chiropractic care can certainly help.

As a part of your physical exam, Dr. Dornbier may discuss with you the need for additional diagnostic testing, such as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).  MRIs are very helpful in determining if a herniated disc, or a variety of other potential sources, are causing sciatica issues.  If such testing is needed, Dr. Dornbier will provide you with a referral for the tests.  

10. What are the differences between herniated discs, bulging discs, slipped discs and pinched nerves?

Technically, there is no such thing as a "slipped disc.”  The areas between the vertebras are cushioned with a “jelly-filled" fibrous ring. This disc may start to billow out, or bulge, when there is pressure from a misaligned spine. This disc is a "ball-bearing’" of sorts, and when it becomes compressed, torn, herniated, thinned out, or dried out, pain and / or loss of function, will alert you.

A pinched nerve is usually not actually a pinched nerve, but more likely, adjacent bones are rubbing on a nerve causing the pain. The misalignment may distort the messages the nerves are relaying between the body and the brain, and may even create alterations to the health of organs or tissues.

11. Does insurance cover my visit?

As the medical community continues to learn about what chiropractors have known for decades, more and more insurance companies are covering chiropractic visits. Of course, it is important that you understand your particular plan benefits, including your co-pays, deductibles, and if your plan has chiropractic benefits available.  There are so many insurance plans, with so many different levels of benefits, it is best to be familiar with your particular plan’s benefits.  Our staff has much experience with this issue and would be happy to discuss this with you.

12. Do I need a referral to see Dr. Dornbier?  

More than likely, you won't need a referral, but some insurance companies do require one.  Dr. Dornbier is able to see patients, regardless of prior medical care or treatment.  As a chiropractic physician, Dr. Dornbier has direct access to all patients in need of treatment.  

13. How much does chiropractic care cost?  

The question is, how important is your overall health? When you cannot do the things you want to do, live in constant pain, or are limited by a lack of mobility, this question can be put in perspective quickly.

The cost of care varies greatly, depending on the procedures used, tests run, areas to be treated, and modalities included.  One size does not fill all, and each visit may vary as well.  Dr. Dornbier is competitively priced with other area chiropractors. He also stays on top of state and federal regulations of best practice, making sure we are in compliance.

To get more specific information as it relates to you, please contact our office.  We will be able to confirm your benefits, and provide you with the details of your policy.  We do have a discount plan available for those who are un-insured.

14. When would Dr. Dornbier refer me to physical therapists or other physicians?

Since your health is our main concern, Dr. Dornbier will gladly refer you to the right health care specialist, when a team approach would provide the best care, or when there is a case chiropractic won’t help.  During your initial visit, Dr. Dornbier will discuss with you any options that may be available in your specific situation.  Dr. Dornbier regularly refers, and receives referrals, from area medical doctors, and physical therapists.  If you require additional care outside of our office, Dr. Dornbier will gladly provide you with the referrals you may need.  

15. Can I get chiropractic care after back surgery?

Absolutely, in fact many of our patients have had prior surgical treatment.  Each surgical procedure is different, thus some procedures may or may not be appropriate depending on the variables.  Many times, surgery will stabilize a dysfunctional segment of the spine. However, the areas above and below those segments often compensate for the change. Soft tissue contraction and joint degeneration are sometimes associated with these compensations, leading to discomfort.  Of course, Dr. Dornbier will carefully assess your particular situation and write a treatment plan suitable for you.  

16. How does chiropractic care work?

It works great!  As we have said before, the human body is intricately interlaced with nerves. When an irritation develops along a nerve pathway, the body tries to alleviate the pain by adjusting posture, pressure, or position. This creates an ever-widening area of discomfort due to more and more areas compensating, and taking on the referred workload. Chiropractic simply brings the body back into its natural state of health, by improving joint mobility, and restoring loss of function.  Remember, movement equals good health.  Much like exercise, chiropractic is designed to mobilize areas that have lost their function.  If we don’t move, or use an area, the supporting and surrounding tissue becomes weak.  Chiropractic relieves pressure on nerves, restores joint function, range of motion, and aids in strengthening the tissue surrounding the area of dysfunction.   

17. What makes the noise I hear during an adjustment?

The cushion between bones comes from a type of lubricating fluids within the joints. Some adjusting methods may create a clicking sound when gas and fluids shift, very much like the pop of a champagne bottle. The sound does not indicate a proper adjustment, nor does the lack of such sound mean you did not get a quality adjustment.

18. Are all adjustments done the same way?

There are many methods to achieve optimal results.  Dr. Dornbier has a large repertoire of knowledge and skill, and has been trained in a variety of techniques and physio-therapeutic modalities. Every patient has unique symptoms, and Dr. Dornbier will use different techniques for different patients and conditions, depending on the over-all health issues.  

19. What kinds of tests will you run, and will I need x-rays?

Every patient and each condition is unique.  Dr. Dornbier only utilizes the tests and procedures he feels are necessary to identify the source of the complaint.  X-rays are not taken on every patient; however, they are utilized as necessary, based on the findings of the exam.  Additionally, tests such as MRI procedures or lab work, may be recommended to assess a medical condition.

20. Can I do self-adjustments?

You can try, but you might end up much worse than if you had just come in for proper care. Some people can make their joints “pop,” but that doesn’t mean they were adjusted, or the correct area of joint dysfunction was addressed. Doctors of chiropractic go through years of training, and are focused on identifying the specific underlying cause of dysfunction. General “popping” differs greatly from specific joint mobilizations or adjustments.  Dr. Dornbier strives to uncover the specific instability that is causing symptoms, and restore function at that location.  General “spine popping” provides little long-term benefit, and usually causes the patient to feel like they need to “pop” the area again and again.  Chiropractic is designed to be specific and effective, thus, once motion is restored, the need to repeatedly “pop” the joints diminishes.

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