
Sports Injuries

Treatments for Sports Injuries

At Integrated Health Care Centers, we help Texan athletes return to the sports they love by reversing the effects of gradual and sudden injuries. Our plasma-rich platelet (PRP) treatments and stem cell therapy options are ideal for professional and amateur athletes alike.

Sports Injuries We Treat in Garland and San Antonio, TX

Visit our integrative pain relief and rehab clinics in Garland, TX or San Antonio, TX if you suffer from any of the following sports-related injuries:

Rotator Cuff Tears

Athletes who frequently use their shoulder joints, especially for repetitive overhead motions, face a higher risk of rotator cuff tears. The rotator cuff, a combination of tendons and muscles attached to your shoulder joint, may tear partially or fully if their protective lining (bursa) is already inflamed. These tears are common among rowers, swimmers and weightlifters, as well as baseball, softball, tennis and volleyball players.

Ligament Tears

Ligament tears, also known as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, are common knee injuries among athletes who run and jump. They are caused by sudden twisting of the ACL, one of four knee ligaments that stabilize your muscles and joints, while your leg is still straight.

Ankle Pain

runner with ankle injury

Years of rigorous physical activity may result in chronic or recurring ankle pain. Because your ankle ligaments (connective tissues) are attached to the joints and ligaments throughout your leg, they may tear and stretch as a result of repeated or abrupt twisting.  

Shoulder Pain

Even if you don't have a ligament or joint injury, shoulder pain may recur as your bone and tissue cells deteriorate over time. If your shoulders are getting weaker, less functional or more painful as a result of physical activity, your cells may not be regenerating as quickly as they degenerate.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, because it is caused by frequent use of your arm and hand muscles. Both overuse and abrupt injury can tear the muscles and tendons attached to your inner elbow bone, inflaming the area and making it difficult to enjoy full range of motion.

PRP Treatment in Garland & San Antonio, TX

Plasma-rich platelet (PRP) treatments are ideal for injuries that may gradually heal on their own. When we perform PRP treatment procedures in Garland, TX and San Antonio, TX, we create a concentrated mix of these platelets from your own blood. We then inject them directly into the torn or inflamed area, to stimulate cell regrowth.  

Stem Cell Therapy in San Antonio & Garland

We also offer stem cell therapy for athletes in San Antonio, TX and Garland, TX. Adult stem cells have the potential to transform into any cell in your body, including the cells that make up your muscles and connective tissues. Injuries cause these cells to degenerate and you can't heal until your body produces enough new cells to make up for this loss. We inject stem cells to stimulate cell regrowth and restore full function to your shoulders, ankles, elbows and other joints.