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Wellness Articles

Dr. Paul's Article Pics on Wellness Topics

Omega-3 rich infant formula may boost later intelligence: Study

16-Aug-2013 - Omega-3 rich infant formula may boost later intelligence: Study ... Omega-3 rich infant formula may boost later intelligence: Study ... Consumption of a DHA-...

Calories in vs. calories out? Weight management is not that simple, say researchers

19-Sep-2013 - Calories in vs. calories out? Weight management is not that simple, say researchers ... Weight management is not as simple as the ‘calories in, calories...

Prehistoric flavour: Study reveals evidence of spice use in early human cooking pots

23-Aug-2013 - Prehistoric flavour: Evidence of spice use in early human cooking pots ... Prehistoric flavour: Study reveals evidence of spice use in early human cooking pots...

Study criticizes sports stars who endorse junk food

... Study criticizes sports stars who endorse junk food. ... Of the 46 sports drinks,
sodas and beverages ... Study author Marie Bragg, a doctoral candid

Do you take herbal supplements? Find out what's really in that ...

... Do you take herbal supplements? ... "I do hope this is ... reactions in people who have certain medical conditions, or are taking pharmaceuticals that don ...

The brain cannot be ‘fooled’ by artificial sweeteners, warn researchers

24-Sep-2013 - The brain cannot be ‘fooled’ by artificial sweeteners, say researchers ... The brain cannot be ‘fooled’ by artificial sweeteners, warn...

Beyond the gym: Is satiety the next frontier for protein?

19-Sep-2013 - Beyond the gym: Is satiety the next frontier for protein? ... When it comes to protein, it's not just about the gym. In fact one of the biggest shifts in the...

It's all in the genes: Researchers unravel genetic mechanism behind microbiome colonisation

21-Aug-2013 - It's all in the genes: Researchers unravel genetic mechanism behind microbiome colonisation ... A set of newly identified genes may explain how and why microb...

More omega-3 may reduce symptoms of ADHD: Rat study

11-Sep-2013 - More omega-3 may reduce symptoms of ADHD: Rat study ... More omega-3 may reduce symptoms of ADHD: Rat study ... There is a clear connection between the intak...

‘Timely’ research: Higher omega-3 levels linked to lower risk of depressive symptoms

17-Sep-2013 - ‘Timely’ research: Higher omega-3 levels linked to lower risk of depressive symptoms ... American women with higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty...

Thousands march against GMOs, Monsanto across Canada ...

... Thousands march against GMOs, Monsanto across Canada. Health Canada
does not consider GMOs dangerous. ... March against Monsanto 2:19. ...

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. Click below to read which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, learn how to choose the real thing yourself, and dispel commonly believed myths. Continue reading

- See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/?s=Would+the+Real+Olive+Oil+Please+Stand+Up%3F&submit=Search#sthash.aNMJ6oD3.dpuf

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. Click below to read which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, learn how to choose the real thing yourself, and dispel commonly believed myths. Continue reading

- See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/?s=Would+the+Real+Olive+Oil+Please+Stand+Up%3F&submit=Search#sthash.aNMJ6oD3.dpuf

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. Click below to read which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, learn how to choose the real thing yourself, and dispel commonly believed myths. Continue reading

- See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/?s=Would+the+Real+Olive+Oil+Please+Stand+Up%3F&submit=Search#sthash.aNMJ6oD3.dpuf

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

Posted on March 4, 2013

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. Click below to read which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, learn how to choose the real thing yourself, and dispel commonly believed myths.

- See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/?s=Would+the+Real+Olive+Oil+Please+Stand+Up%3F&submit=Search#sthash.aNMJ6oD3.dpuf

Addicted to Oreos? You truly might be

Updated 3:56 p.m. ET, Tues., Oct. 15, 2013

Oreos are as addictive as cocaine, at least for lab rats, and just like us, they like the creamy center best. Eating the sugary treats activates more neurons in the brain’s “pleasure center” than drugs such as cocaine, the team at Connecticut College ...http://www.today.com/health/addicted-oreos-you-truly-might-be-8C11399682

What Chemicals are Really in Coca-Cola’s Coke Soda?

Perhaps you already know that the Coca-Cola Co. has committed atrocious ground-water polluting in other countries, along with creating water shortages. You probably know as well that the company is turning providing the mass population with toxic beverage choices. After reading this quick, informative article, you will understand exactly what you are putting into your body, and this just might make it easier to break the Coke-drinking habit.

Here’s what’s really in Coca-Cola’s famous Coke soda:

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. Click below to read which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, learn how to choose the real thing yourself, and dispel commonly believed myths.

- See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/?s=Would+the+Real+Olive+Oil+Please+Stand+Up%3F&submit=Search#sthash.aNMJ6oD3.dpuf




















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