74 Waukegan Rd

Corbeil, ON P0H 1K0 CA

(416) 303-3029


Patient Reviews

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Dr. Paul Kennedy


I have been going to chiropractors for 18 years. Most would treat my pain symptoms, and while I felt a little better for a while, the pain would come back just as intense as before and I'd be no further ahead. Dr. Paul's wellness approach is totally different, and he is the first chiropractor who has actually made me feel better over time. I feel far less pain than I ever used to, and I honestly even sleep better, giving me more energy every day. If you're serious about feeling better, come see the great folks at Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre!




I was introduced to Dr. Paul Kennedy in the early 90's by my daughter who referred me to him.  I had previously had back surgery and she felt that I would find a talk Dr. Paul was giving one evening would be very helpful.  Well she was right!  I started to see Dr. Paul regularly.

Dr. Paul has great knowledge on a lot of health issues such as diet and a Natural Way to Healthy Living. I always feel so welcomed when I walk into the Wellness Centre as lots of smiles greet me and I am addressed by my name.  I feel great after my adjustments and when I leave, the day is always that much better.

Thank you!

Barb A.


I have been with Dr. Paul Kennedy since 2012 and first came in because I had severe back pain, the muscles in and around my neck were very tense and my whole body was stiff.

After my first adjustment I felt a lot of the tension in my muscles was released.  I felt a significant improvement in my body's mobility.

Since beginning the Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle Care, my improvements have been overall wellness, a much better body mobility, very low and very rare muscle tension (which still occur because of the nature of my job), NO more back pains, relaxed joints and muscles, better health and I feel a whole lot better physically and mentally, almost all my health problems related to joints and muscles are gone.

Thank you,

Calin M.


I am a long term patient of chiropractic.  When my previous Chiropractor retired many years ago, he highly recommended Dr. Paul Kennedy - he was right - my first adjustment was "Awesome"! 

Since seeing Dr. Paul at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre, I have had fewer Subluxations, improved flexibility, weight and body fat loss, improved sleep without tension or pain, better memory, moods are much better, feel more relaxed, and more vibrant energy.  My posture has also improved.

Dr. Paul has taught me a lot about nutrition, along with the value of chiropractic care during my regular visits.  I generally feel happier and a whole lot better about myself.

He has helped me considerably in keeping me mobile and having a pain free and drug free lifestyle.

I am currently working with Dr. Paul on his Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle program and have lost double digit weight and still going strong.   So far, I have been able to reduce my blood pressure medication in half, and eliminate my diuretic medication altogether...BTW, at my last physical, my MD now calls me "slim" - lol!

I couldn't recommend Dr. Paul and the Team at KCWC more!

Breck L.


I have been seeing Dr. Paul Kennedy for chiropractic adjustments since 2008/9.  When I first came to him, I brought issues such a Sciatica in one of my legs.

My first adjustment with Dr. Paul was different and kind of new, as I had seen another Chiropractor before him.

Since beginning Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle Care with Dr. Paul, I have noticed many improvements in my health.  The first was less pain during my menstrual cycles, even after my first and second adjustments!  My Sciatica improved significantly and I really don't feel any pain from it anymore.  I felt my immune system become stronger and I didn't need to be off sick from work at all.  Thanks to the amazing free Wellness Seminars given by Dr. Paul, I am now more aware of my posture and how stress affects the body .

I purchased a number of supplements and a Buckwheat Pillow from the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre and saw changes in joint pain being non-existent, I have more energy, sleep better and do not have urinary tract infections like I use to have.

I always felt intimidated by Massages, but at Kennedy Chiropractic, both Massage Therapists, Robert and Jessica, made me feel relaxed and at ease, while sharing their wealth of knowledge with me.

Thanks KCWC for all that you do!

Maria P.                               


I have been seeing Dr. Paul Kennedy for 13 years and first came in because I could hardly move my neck.  I grew up with parents who went to a chiropractor (my mom has really bad arthritis) so I knew the benefits and it was a natural thing for me to do.

At first I was nervous to get my neck adjusted and now I look forward to it as that is where I carry all my stress!  Chiropractic care, Dr. Paul and Sharon have become an important part of my life.  I go for a Wellness Adjustment every two weeks and it keeps me healthy, helps when I am sick, relieves stress and keeps me balanced.  I have also gone for Nutritional Counseling with Dr. Paul - The Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre has top grade vitamins and excellent Massage Therapists, which it makes it really convenient.  I am always asking Dr. Paul questions and he takes the time to answer them and help me in any way he can

Dr. Paul and Sharon take a vested interest in each patient and have helped me through many difficult times, are always flexible and go above and beyond!

I highly recommend KCWC.

Patti C.



I have been a patient of Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre longer than I can remember -- literally!  I've been receiving adjustments from Dr. Paul Kennedy (And Dr. George Kennedy before him) since I was a baby.  It's been almost 30 years of Awesome Adjustments since then, and I've always had a great time.  My work has taken me all over South-Western Ontario, and I have seen quite a few different chiropractors.  None of them compare to the knowledge and skill on display at Kennedy Chiropractic.  It starts with a deep knowledge of all things chiropractic, but that's really just the beginning.  Once you make a commitment to the Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle, you start to see the real difference.  There are lot's of excellent chiropractors in the world, but Dr. Paul has dedicated his life to serving his patients.  I have never met another person so well versed in so many different facets of health and wellness.

So, while Dr. Paul has always been there to give me advice and adjustments throughout my life, it was only in the last 2 years that I really began to understand what set him apart . After injuring my knee while moving furniture, my first instinct was to see a M.D. at the emergency room.  Unfortunately, I was misdiagnosed and told to stop complaining.  After a week of misery (and missed work) I decided to get a second opinion from Dr. Paul.  This decision saved me from knee surgery.  Without Dr. Paul's proper diagnosis, I would have continued to re-injure my knee, eventually leading to serious complications.

Because instead of stopping at the diagnosis, Dr. Paul looked for the cause:  He discovered I had flat feet, and a recent change of footwear coupled with the heavy lifting had finally caused a serious problem. Dr. Paul gave me advice on everything, from how to sleep while avoiding the pain, what to eat to reduce inflammation, how to ice the joint when I was resting, even how to get back to work without increasing the problem (hint: it didn't involve covering up my pain with drugs) .

He also prescribed custom made orthotics, which have kept extra strain out of my knees, and kept me from re-injury.  Finally, Dr. Paul gave me some real-talk about my body and lifestyle choices.  I could only keep my knee so safe while being overweight and never exercising.  With his help, I have been on Dr. Paul's Anti-inflammatory Wellness Diet for the past 8 months . I have gone from 210lbs and 41% body fat to 170lbs and 17% .

At this point, I also have to mention Sharon Kennedy.  Sharon is Dr. Paul's wife, and she runs the office.  Throughout my entire weight-loss period, Sharon was always checking in, celebrating my accomplishments and commiserating my setbacks.  If I was ever feeling depressed or unsure, a quick text to Sharon would get me encouragement.  And also quite a few positive affirmations to keep my mind focused on my goals. In short, Dr. Paul is one of the Best Chiropractors I've ever met . I look forward to having him adjust my own children.

Liam M


My parents, who were patients of Dr. George Kennedy Senior for many, many years and who are now patients of Dr. Paul Kennedy, first referred in 1999 when I was a young woman at the age of 15 when I injured my back.

I was in so much pain...and my first adjustment gave me so much relief.

I have continued on with the Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle since then and I have an improved overall sense of well-being.  Also, because of my regular adjustments, I have not re-injured my back since the original injury that propelled me to seek chiropractic care.  The Professional Grade supplements I have been using and getting from Dr. Paul, as per his recommendations, have kept me healthier than I've been in years!

I truly appreciate the care I receive at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre.  Dr. Paul's patient and caring manner and his wealth of knowledge are invaluable!!  Sharon & Monika's friendly, positive demeanor always makes me feel so good!

Sabina H.


Mr. Step-Father referred me to Dr. Paul Kennedy 10 years ago when I was a young man at the age of 11  as I had a bad back from sports and poor care...I have been seeing him ever since....

I'd never been to a Chiropractor before and never seen an adjustment performed but I would describe my first adjustment by Dr. Paul as "Fun"!

My back is now stronger....I experience symptoms less frequently now...my posture is better now too!  Also, I now have a greater understanding of my body and can help myself now more than I could before.

I feel better physically and am more knowledgeable. 

The staff at Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre are all friendly and the Adjusting Rooms are Cool.

Justin O


I was involved in a car accident in 2008 and suffered a neck injury at which time I started care at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre with Dr. Paul Kennedy.

After seeing several different Chiropractors over the last 15 years, I have to say Dr. Paul has by far been the Best One I have been treated by.  He is extremely knowledgeable and I would recommend him to anyone who is considering chiropractic care. 

His entire Team is Great!

Debra S


Hi, my name is Debra and I have been seeing Dr. Paul Kennedy since 2009 when I was in such 'MAJOR' pain and searched online for help...and was, fortunately lead to the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre's website.

My first visit was very thorough and everything was explained well...most of all I was Relieved!  Great improvements have continued in my health since then and I feel well for longer periods of time.

I find all the Staff to be most helpful and Dr. Paul has helped more than I could have hoped for by explaining what's going on and treating me with more than just Adjustments...like making helpful recommendations on how to Move, Eat and Exercise. ; I am so thankful for finding him.  Thank you Dr. Paul!!

Debra Sp


One day I took a chance and walked in to the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre because I was in such pain and needed immediate help...I couldn't even stand up straight...that was five years ago.

My first adjustment was AMAZING because it released a lot of tension that I had been dealing with for a number of days.

My health has been Awesome since first beginning the Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle.  I have learned many useful tips and tricks from Dr. Paul to keep me healthy...and when I do run into issues, I recover much more quickly...Chiropractic helps me feel much better and I have a greater understanding of my chronic issues because Dr. Paul is such a wonderful Teacher.

Amylyn A.                                     


I found out about Dr. Paul Kennedy from the internet.  I did some research online.

I've been seeing Dr. Paul since April 2013 and first came in because I had neck and shoulder pain.

I thought my first adjustment was great...I was a little nervous because it was my first adjustment EVER but Dr. Paul made me very comfortable and I felt better afterward.

Now, I don't have constant pain in my neck, shoulders and back anymore since beginning  Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle care at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre.  I'm not pain free BUT it's my fault for not being able to come in as often as I should.  After each of my adjustments I feel great and I feel if I could come more often, I would improve even more.

Medija R.


I've been seeing Dr. Paul Kennedy since 1992 and first came in because Dr. Harry Smith recommended him to my when he retired.

My improvements since beginning the Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle care....keeping me away from back surgery, which orthopedic surgeons have tried to do since the age of 58 - 60 years...and on...and I feel good and do more physically than most 79 year old's my age.

It is always pleasant to visit the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre and over the many years I have developed a deeper understanding of the whole premise of chiropractic and personally started many people in the right direction for healthy healing by referring them to MY Chiropractor!

Charlotte E. B


I was referred to Dr. Paul Kennedy at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre from Dr. Harry Smith after he retired.  I've been seeing Dr. Paul since 1992 and first came in because Dr. Smith and chiropractic had helped me so much in the past. 

I thought my first adjustment was excellent...and my good health has continued because of Chiropractic.

Since beginning Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle care, my improvements have been a very healthy life.  When I have had a problem, Dr. Paul has helped me through it, such as a stomach disorder and other problems from subluxations and I feel very healthy.  I am in my 83rd year and continue to do many jobs both at my house and cottage, thanks to chiropractic.

Both my wife's family and my family support the health we have received through chiropractic

James B


I heard about Dr. Paul from Dr. Harry Smith.  I started chiropractic care at the age of about 14 after a football injury in high school.  I have had other injuries since then and have been in chiropractic care for the last 47 years.

I have been seeing Dr. Paul since Dr. Smith retired 21 years ago.

I thought my first adjustment was great because chiropractic care has always helped with my neck and back injuries.  When I had a serious case of whiplash the three months of physio didn't seem to get me very far....I had six chiropractic appointments over two weeks and was so vastly improved that I thought I was fully recovered.  I wasn't, but I felt so much better and slowly reduced the frequency of my visits as I continued to improve.

Since beginning the Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle, my improvements have been substantial.  I used to have incidences when I would be off work for over a week and in pain for several more after doing something to strain my neck and/or back.  I haven't had any further instances of this nature.  I feel great most of the time and when I do something to re-injure myself, I am quickly returned to normal.  

I can't recommend Chiropractic Care and Dr. Paul highly enough.  All the staff are qualified, helpful and involved and contribute to the overall healing, positive atmosphere of the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre.  It's a great place to visit.  You even get healing hugs!!

Sandy B.


I have always been skeptical and reluctant to see a chiropractor and somewhat fearful of adjustments used in treatments.  As a result of excruciating lower back pain, I finally decided to make an appointment with Dr. Paul Kennedy.

I was extremely impressed by Dr. Paul's extensive knowledge and strong communication skills.  He gave me a full understanding of my condition and a detailed explanation of future procedures that would be required to solve my back problem.  I decided to go ahead with a treatment program that involved chiropractic adjustments.  Within a few weeks of treatments I noticed a significant amount of pain reduction in my lower back and improved mobility.

Dr. Paul is completely committed to creating a relaxed and comfortable treatment environment for his patients.  His gentle and empathetic nature instilled in me a sense of trust and security.  Dr. Paul's friendly Team at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre is exceptionally helpful, competent and caring.  His office radiates good, harmonizing energy.  Every patient is made to feel special and appreciated.

Dr. Paul is passionate about his work and believes wholeheartedly in not just treating cause of one's condition, but the whole person as well.  His sole purpose is to help people reach optimal health and vitality in body, mind and spirit.  He has the ability to create a great bond with his patients.

Dr. Paul is a dynamic and brilliant chiropractor and I feel indeed privileged to be under his care.


Hello, my name is Katerina and I work in a physically demanding profession.

I hear about Dr. Paul Kennedy from a friend of mine.  When I came to see him, my back was very stiff and my right shoulder had lost some range in motion.  I was stressed from this and fatigued, not sleeping well.

After the first adjustment I felt relief and less tension everywhere in my back and neck, an overall calm feeling.  

Dr. Paul suggested an X-Ray after a few visits (which they have conveniently situated on-site), I agreed.  This helped identify areas of focus for treatment, to prevent further injury and pain.

I am very glad to have met such a caring individual, being highly qualified and knowledgeable in his field of work in the Health and Wellness area. 

Since beginning Chiropractic Wellness-Lifestyle Care, my improvements have been greater mobility in neck and shoulders, feeling more alert and clear headed, less tension in my back and no pain in my neck and low back.

It is always a treat to receive adjustment from Dr. Paul and feel amazing after, knowing this helps my body heal and be well.

The Team at Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre are all wonderful, helpful and caring to every one of their patients or anyone who is interested in becoming healthy, and will help you to reach that goal.  

Nutrition is also part of living a healthy lifestyle and I have started taking the Professional Grade vitamins available from Dr. Paul, improving my energy level.

I am a current receiver of chiropractic care from Dr. Paul, and vouch that it truly works - And will continue in future years to make it part of my lifestyle to keep me healthy.  I thank everyone at KCWC who has helped me stay active and pain free!   

Katerina Z

Joe D.

I've been going to Dr. Paul Kennedyl for my adjustments ever since I had a severe flare-up with my sciatic nerve about a year ago, and recently my wife started going for her ongoing back pain as well. Paul and Sharon, his wife and the office's administrator, run a pretty great practice, with very few times when I'm unable to get an appointment, and a great deal of flexibility when I've needed to cancel appointments at the last minute (or even outright forgotten about them!)

While I don't buy in to all the potential benefits of Chiropractic, I can say that I've certainly enjoyed my adjustments, and been free of back pain ever since I started going. My wife has been troubled by back pain for as long as I've known her, but since she started getting regular adjustments, she's only had one real setback, which Paul got under control quickly.

I've never been to another chiropractor, so I can't comment on the relative level of care. But I do know that I always feel welcomed by the two Kennedys, who are incredibly warm and kind. And the results have more-or-less spoken for themselves, so I'm quite pleased, and I'll keep going back.

WARY NO MORE... Pamela

For the past 21 years I have suffered from excessive and often times extreme headaches, throw in a few migraines for good measure and let's say a week didn't go by that I did not have some sort of headache.  If it rained, I had a headache.  If it was too hot, I had a headache and so on.  I have been in and out of too many doctor's offices and hospitals, and have had every test conceivable performed. Nothing was found, nothing helped.  So, I figured that was just the way I was and had no choice but to live with it.  To deal with the pain I resorted to taking painkillers like they were candy.  It would be nothing to take 6-8 pills each day.  And when they stopped working I switched to painkillers with codeine.  I felt like I was living in a haze.  A friend of mine was by this time seeing Dr. Paul for many years and suggested that I go see him.  I was wary, had heard all the usual things like 'oh, chiropractors do more damage than good' and 'once you start going you will have to go all the time' so I politely declined her advice and went on suffering.  Flash forward to 2 years ago, when I finally said enough is enough, and booked my first chiropractic appointment with Dr. Paul.  Wow!  He has helped me immensely.  My headaches are so far and in between I couldn't even tell you the last time I bought painkillers.  When I do get the occasional headache, they are so minor they often dissipate within an hour or two and with no medication.  I have never felt better.  I am not suffering any more.  Dr. Paul has also helped with a few other ailments that come from sitting behind a computer for 10 hours a day. Bottom line…..Chiropractic helps and Dr.Paul has given me my life back, and for that I will be forever thankful.  Thanks to Dr. Paul and Sharon for all your help and making my visits to your office an enjoyable experience.


More than chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Paul is the source for a completely natural and logical health and wellness lifestyle. With more than chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Paul is the source for a completely natural and logical health and wellness lifestyle. With Chiropractic care as the cornerstone, Paul will show you the path to the way of life you've always been looking for. This is a life without pharmaceuticals, genetically modified foods, and persistent inactivity- a life where your body has the tools and capacity to care for itself, to prevent chronic illness, and add years to your life. I have yet to discover another Chiropractic facility that offers so comprehensive an approach to health and longevity. Change your life- visit Dr. Paul today!


My work involves manual labour, lifting and carrying heavy objects. The twisting of my spinal column under duress finally took its toll. Severe lower back problems ensued. At the point of being bed ridden for days to heal, a friend recommended chiropractic, Dr. Paul Kennedy at The Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Center, to help. The therapies given soon brought me back to a normal state. Thank you, Dr. Paul and Sharon, S.D.C.A. (super duper chiropractic assistant), for your expertise and healing. End of story? No. - Since my introduction to The Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Center, I have maintained a monthly regimen of adjustments - (tune-ups). Dr. Kennedy's vast knowledge of nutrition, proper diet, and supplements, has further nurtured my well-being. Free Discovering Wellness seminars by Dr. Kennedy about collective consciousness and the universal innate intelligence we all share, has strengthened my spiritual entity as well. This fusion of mind, body, and spiritual awakening will open doors to your.... Life Renewed. In addition, at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Center, experience the amazing skills of their Registered Massage Therapist, Robert Kilmer, - RMT. The stimulus of his work will further enhance your total well-being. My well-being is at 9.5........ What's yours?


Dr. Kennedy is a very knowledgeable person. He thoroughly researches and checks out all the nutritional and wellness information before advising his patients. He is well trained and comes from a long line of chiropractic doctors, including his father before him. I even met one of his patients that moved overseas and comes back a few times a year and says that they have not found a better chiropractor. I feel very safe in his knowing hands. His palpation skills are amazing. He is able to tell when even the smallest joint is out of place. Once you go to the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre, you will not want to go anywhere else.


As a university student I spend large amounts of time on the computer, but also hunched over textbooks. This eventually led to chronic pain in my back, shoulders and hips as well as limited mobility. After my fist visit at the North Bay Chiropractic & Laser Centre I noticed an immediate change in my pain levels and mobility. Dr. Paul's excellent chiropractic care has helped me lead a more well balanced and active lifestyle. The staff at the Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre is knowledgeable about health and nutrition issues. I have learned so much at the free workshops that the Centre provides to the patients and the Community. Seeking chiropractic care from Dr. Paul and the staff at Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre was the best decision I have ever made! 


Dr. Paul is the best Chiropractor!  He helped me to get to the root of my problem. My pain is gone. No more drugs - didn't need surgery. I'm back into sports and can do whatever I feel like. But I'm also learning about good nutrition, proper exercise and other stuff to help me stay healthy. Very pleased with the results. Highly recommended!! 


What can I say, one visit to Dr. Paul at the North Bay Chiropractic & Laser Centre and you know you are in great hands. I have been a patient for over 15 years, and my health has never been better. From Sharon's warm smile when you enter the clinic, to Dr. Paul's adjustments and deep understanding of my physical problems, they always have me mobile, limber and moving well after every visit. Dr. Paul continues to help me with chronic back pain and stiffness, but also helps me with all round solid health advice.


Chiropractic Care has been my "Road to Good Health" all of my life!! Dr. Paul is not only an excellent spinal "adjuster", his knowledge of diet, exercise and lifestyle is bonus to all of his patients. North Bay Chiropractic & Laser Centre is a true Wellness Center. I am grateful for his skill and knowledge--and for teaching me the "Natural" way to health. 


I'm on the computer many hours every day. My back & neck were killing me. I was getting regular migraines. My doctor told me I had carpel tunnel. After the first treatment with Dr. Paul, I started to feel better. Within a few treatments my migraines stopped. At this point the numbness in my hands is almost gone. I feel fantastic! Thanks for everything - Dr. Paul is one of the best chiropractors in North Bay and this is one of the best decisions I've ever made about my health.




















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