74 Waukegan Rd

Corbeil, ON P0H 1K0 CA

(416) 303-3029


Wellness-Lifestyle Workshops

Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre Presents:

Wellness-Lifestyle Workshops

There isn't a single person who does not wish for a long healthy happy life for their loved ones, friends or themselves.  However, most of us have no idea how to achieve those things.  We may find some of the pieces to this puzzle in books or magazines, on television or radio but most of us are just floundering, not really knowing what to do.  Some of us are tired, stressed, out of shape, overweight and over-medicated and we don't know how to thrive in this vicious cycle that we call modern life. 

Our Vision at Kennedy Chiropractic Wellness Centre is to help as many people as we can in our Community discover true wellness - what it is and how to achieve it.    That is why Dr. Paul Kennedy put together this Workshop series.  Four different workshops that ultimately meld together all the information required to enable you to achieve optimum health and happiness.

These workshops are incredibly informative, jam-packed with tons of the latest research relating to wellness.  Dr. Paul presents this complex information in a manner that is fun and easy to understand. 

Dr. Paul believes that everyone is entitled to their birthright of health and happiness.  Indeed, he is so committed to achieve this that he offers the Workshops for free to anyone who wishes to attend (not just his patients).  His only request is that you come with an open mind, and once you have learned the information, you pass it forward to others in our community so that they to can achieve optimum Wellness.

Take a closer look at the Workshops listed below for more details.  Contact our office at the number listed below to reserve your seat.  Space is limited on a first come first served basis.  So don't delay. 

If you are a member of the Toronto community and you are interested in taking control of your own health, please get in touch and join us!  You are welcome to bring your family, friends and work colleagues, so there is no excuse!  All you have to do is book your place!

To reserve your FREE seat(s) please call us directly at 416 467 8800 or email Sharon at [email protected] stating which talks you would like to attend and how many seats you will need - remember seating is limited! 

The Full Series is composed of four separate Workshops

1.  The Foundational Workshop:  Discovering Wellness: "The Key to Real Health, Happiness & Success."

This entertaining and engaging workshop will reveal the scientific truth about health and sickness - where they come from and how you get them.  Your understanding of the Health/Disease Paradigm will be significantly expanded.  You will learn that your Health is not necessarily at the mercy of your genetics or bad luck.  Indeed, you will learn that you can actually take control of your health - and it's easy!  You will discover how to move towards true Wellness.  This workshop will lay the foundation with a deeper understanding of Health to prepare you for the Healthy Eating, Healthy Thinking and Healthy Moving Workshops which will give you the facts required to change your life for the better - naturally. 

This workshop is a required pre-requisite for the Healthy Eating, Healthy Thinking or Healthy Moving workshops. 

2.  Health Eating Workshop:

With Dr. Paul's extensive background in Nutritional Science, this lively talk will help you understand how and what to eat in order to attain optimum Health and Wellness.  The information presented is straight from the Research world.  Dr. Paul takes this complex subject material and makes it easy to understand.  A vast array of paradigm busting topics will be included.  Concepts such as:  'Genetically congruent foods' will be discussed (believe it or not, some foods that we consider to be good for us are actually not - conversely, some foods that we are told are bad for us are actually very healthy things to eat).  We live in a mixed up, upside down world as far as nutrition is concerned.  It is very confusing.  In this workshop Dr. Paul will walk you through the basics and you will leave with a solid understanding of what foods you need to eat in order to express optimum health.

3.  Healthy Thinking Workshop:

Thoughts are things and we all believe that our thoughts are our own.  Very few people realize just how much influence the media crazy world we live in has on us.  This fascinating workshop delves into many aspects of Healthy Thinking.  Too many people are dissatisfied with their lives and disappointed with their achievements.  Dr. Paul helps you see behind the curtain of the World of Oz we live in.  And just like the wizard - once you take a look it turns out to be not so scary.  You will leave feeling empowered to take control of your thoughts and thereby your destiny.  Happiness and a successful attitude isn't in the luck of the draw - it's literally in you.  You won't want to miss this one.   

4.  Healthy Moving Workshop:

As a chiropractor, Dr. Paul knows how profoundly motion affects us.  Motion is Life!  Proper motion provides us with Health.  Improper motion leads to sickness - literally.  This workshop looks at the science behind movement.  And, it isn't what you may think.  It isn't about spending endless hours in the gym, sweating and grunting.  There are many aspects to Healthy Moving.  As with the other workshops, Dr. Paul enthusiastically presents the latest research findings in a straightforward, down-to-earth format.  By the time you leave, you will have a full understanding of what proper motion consists of and how to clearly achieve it.  He will teach you how to establish a game plan to easily meet your specific goals. 




















10:00 am-7:00 pm




8:45 am-7:00 pm







Now accepting new patients!

Sign-up using the form or call us at 705-476-9111