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Auto Injury

Auto Injury Treatment in Palm Coast, Daytona Beach and Bunnell, FLApple Neuro & Spine neurologist, chiropractor & imaging center meet all medical needs in one location when suffering car accident injuries in Bunnell, FL

We are delighted to offer you a variety of medical services to treat your auto injuries. Apple Neuro and Spine meets all your medical needs in one location when you have suffered injuries from car accidents. Our physicians evaluate your injuries and care for your immediate needs such as abrasians, fractures and swelling. To gather a complete understanding of the extent of your auto accident injury, our MD's may also obtain information from x-rays, ultrasounds or MRI's if needed. We want to put together the clearest picture of your injuries so we are able to form a personalized treatment plan. Your recovery is our goal and the sooner we are able to begin treatment, the sooner you feel better and the less likely your injury will lead to a chronic condition. Our physicians answer your questions such as how long will recovery take and inform you of any physical limitations. Apple Neuro & Spine serves patients through neurology, chiropractic & imaging center meet all medical needs in one location when suffering car accident injuries in Bunnell, FL and Palm Coast Fl.

Three Locations to Care for Injuries After Car Accidents

Car accidents occur without any warning and you may be left wondering how to care for yourself. Apple Neuro and Spine has three locations to provide immediate attention for your injuries. Our offices in Palm Coast, Daytona Beach and Bunnell provide many medical and conservative options. We offer physical therapy to rehabilitate your injuries and quickly return you to work or play. We provide acupuncture to stimulate healing and reduce your pain. Our massage therapists are available to reduce muscle tension from injuries such as whiplash. Massage therapy may also reduce your stress after an auto accident which helps you to relax and heal. 

Treatments for Auto Injuries in Palm Coast FL

Our convenient locations bring you the best of medical and traditional and alternative medicine under one roof. Our medical doctors will evaluate and supervise treatments for your injuries. Our chiropractor and therapists will view your body from a holistic approach and instead of just dealing with the symptoms of your injuries, seeks to treat and eliminate the cause. Chiropractic care for auto injuries includes gentle adjustments to position your neck and back into a natural, pain-free alignment. Our chiropractors also adjust other joints that may have received trauma in the accident such as your shoulders, knees, hips and wrists. A gentle adjustment places your shoulder into a pain-free position so you are able to move freely. Chiropractic care provides an immediate reduction in pain, but you may require a series of adjustments before your injury is completely recovered. As your body heals, we show you corrective movements that improve your strength and increase your flexibility. Strong and flexible muscles are less likely to be injured and help enhance your balance. Our chiropractor will show you lifestyle changes to reduce your pain such as the proper way to organize your work area and better ways to sleep. When you are able to put all these pieces together, your injuries heal faster and you feel better.

Schedule Apple Neuro & Spine Today If You've Been In An Auto Accident

Let our professional and educated staff at Apple Neuro and Spine be the first place you call after an auto accident. We have the services you need to heal quickly and without lasting pain. Call us today at 386-313-2599.

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