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Pain Management

Experiencing pain after an accident, surgical procedure or unexpectedly while engaging in normal activities may raise concerns about personal health and well-being. When discomfort interferes with your ability to enjoy your career, time with loved ones or any other daily activity, pain management Orange City, Florida options allow you to focus on healing. At our clinic, we take a comprehensive approach to pain management and use several tools to assist with your goals.

back pain orange city

Facet Blocks

Facet blocks refer to an injection of a local anesthetic to a specific point of pain in your body. Generally, the anesthetic is injected into the joints of the vertebrae on the spine to assist with joint and back pain along the spine and back. At our clinic, we provide facet blocks when several vertebrae and joints contribute to severe back pain after an accident, injury or health condition causes pain and discomfort.

Trigger Point Injections

When the pain in your body stems from the muscles rather than joints or bones, we may suggest a trigger point injection. The injection usually uses saline or an anesthetic to reduce pain in a trigger point on your body. Trigger points often occur in musculoskeletal conditions like fibromyalgia and contribute to physical pain. They may also occur after an accident or injury.

Nerve Blocks

At our clinic, we may use nerve blocks when a set of nerves causes the pain in your body. Nerve pain stems from multiple potential sources, including pinched or compressed nerves. When a group of nerves causes pain, we may suggest a nerve block. The injection of pain medication to the specific point helps reduce discomfort while additional treatments address the underlying cause of the pain.


Pregnancy and labor contribute to back pain and discomfort throughout the body. When a woman goes into labor or when an individual experiences extreme pain in the lower extremities of the body, an epidural may assist with pain relief. The injection into the lower portion of the back blocks the signals from the nerves and helps reduce discomfort throughout a labor or after a severe injury to the back.

Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction

At our clinic, we recognize the role of nerves in pain management. We use tools like an EMG or nerve conduction to evaluate your body's response to electrical stimulus and the speed of a signal sent along your nerves. An EMG measures electrical signals in your muscles while nerve condition evaluates the speed of a signal sent along your nerves. Both evaluations help us identify the cause of your pain and develop an appropriate treatment solution for your recovery goals.

Pain management is a process focused on helping you improve your ability to engage in your daily activities without consistently experiencing pain. At Apple Neuro and Spine, we use different tools to encourage healing and reduce pain in your body. 

Call Apple Neuro & Spine in Bunnell and Palm Coast Fl at 386-313-2599 and start fighting back today.