Viewing 33 - 48 out of 81 posts


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The Emotional Brain Versus the Thinking Brain: How NSA Creates Healing on All Levels

I want you to think about one of those moments in life—one of those overwhelming moments in which what you were feeling, experiencing, seeing, etc. was so vivid and intense Read More

Creating Health by Choice, Not by Chance: Consistency

Like most health practitioners that are truly passionate about health and wellness, I have had personal experiences of watching loved ones suffer with severe illness.  I have watched people that Read More

Coming Home To Yourself with Network Spinal Analysis, Part 1

It is December—a time when it is easy for us to be reminded of both joyful and painful times, along with deeply ingrained memories that we may have.  This is Read More

Health by Choice, Not by Chance After 60!

As many of my clients tell me, they expect retirement to provide them with less stress, fewer worries, and more freedom.  What I also frequently hear is that retirement has Read More

A Proactive Plan for Preventing Brain Health Issues and Improving Resiliency

One of the biggest concerns as we age is the issue of memory; over 6 million Americans have now been diagnosed with Alzhiemer’s.  With increasing frequency, people watch as their Read More

Creating a Foundational Shift in our Communities for a Better Tomorrow

Over the last 17 years, we have had the privilege of working with thousands of people to facilitate healing, as well as improve levels health, function, and wellness.  While this Read More

The Quick-Fix Mentality versus the Freedom of True, Deep Healing

Earlier this year, Lori was referred into our office by her good friend, James, a fellow cyclist.  James had seen us for chronic neck and low back pain.  His body Read More

How Can Something So Gentle Help Me Heal?

One of the most frequent comments I hear from patients about chiropractic is, “I am afraid of adjustments jerking my spine around or being rough.”  Patients are amazed when they Read More

The Keto Diet: Improve Cholesterol Numbers, Inflammation, and Burn Fat

Americans struggle and obsession with weight loss is an age-old issue.  As we have been discussing for the last several months, stress physiology makes weight loss more difficult and is Read More

Creating a Foundation for Healing Chronic Stress Physiology: The Practice of Mindfulness

Last month at Body In Balance, we discussed the dangers of stress physiology, how it lays the ground work for health issues and disease, and severely affects quality of life. Read More

Chronic Stress, Inflammation, and the Immune System: Proactive Steps to Healing

Brain fog, fatigue, poor sleep quality, weight gain, increased pain (especially neck and back pain)—all are symptoms that can be caused by chronic stress.  Maintaining high stress levels for long Read More

Detoxification 101: Dispelling the Myths and Providing the Critical Nature of Detoxing Healthfully!

Happy Valentine’s Day to our beloved community! When I was growing up, my dad was a mechanical engineer for medical parts. Much of his work involved design, planning, and project Read More

Weight Loss: There has not been a MORE IMPORTANT Time to TAKE ACTION

As I walked through King Soopers last week, I couldn’t help but look in others’ carts to take stock of what my fellow community members are consuming.  I saw carts Read More

Medicine is Not Organized to Create Health; A Shift in Mindset is Necessary for Prevention

Many of us are joyfully closing out the year of 2020.  The pandemic has brought about sadness and frustration for many.  As a health practitioner, if I step back from Read More

How Health Issues Should Truly be Addressed: Physically, Emotionally, and Chemically

As we approach the new year, I urge you to take stock of your health now. Don't wait until January 1st and then try to drastically change dissatisfying habits.  Take Read More

Americans Sitting in the "Comfort Zone" of Health with 2020 Stress Pushing them in the Wrong Direction

“The Illness-Wellness Continuum” was introduced in the 1970s. On the left side of this continuum is someone in the "disease state" who is ill and whose function has been compromised. Read More

Viewing 33 - 48 out of 81 posts


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Admin Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm