
How chiropractic treatments can provide arch relief

Did You Know Chiropractic Treatment Includes Arch Relief for Your Feet?

Foot pain can be very restricting as well as extremely uncomfortable. Further, as you begin to favor one leg and foot over the other, due to pain, that can lead to additional soreness and injuries in other joints compensating for the original problem. A variety of symptom response resources exist, ranging from heel pads to shoe insoles to custom inserts, but the heart of the problem is often missed. Arch damage comes from carrying the body’s weight incorrectly, which overloads the feet triggering the injury over time. And chiropractic sports injury treatment could help with realigning both how you are walking as well as carrying your weight, getting at the root source of the issue.

The Foot is Complicated

With a mechanism that incorporates 26 different bones, and related muscles and tendons, there’s a lot of room for error. Amazingly, our bodies do a great job of keeping these feet assemblies working well until they are asked to do too much, and that’s when something begins to get damaged. In arch injuries, that’s usually an over-extended tendon as in plantar fasciitis. The tendon or muscle gets inflamed in response, and that creates tenderness and pain when one tries to walk and use that tendon system. Rest and ice and pain relievers are often prescribed in generic sports injury treatment, but they don’t really deal with the cause. In severe cases, additional support is given to the foot to use for weight, but again this doesn’t solve the cause. What tends to be found is that arch problems are rooted in:

  • Pronation – The assembly of muscle and tendon can’t keep your feet aligned being too weak
  • Metatarsalgia – Your feet bones are misaligned
  • Calcium deposits or spurs

Active Release via a Chiropractor Treatment

A proven arch relief method involves active release technique or ART where the entire muscle assembly in the foot is worked to identify scarring or misalignment as well as to induce circulatory healing of muscle tissue. This is a common technique used in sports injury treatment for athletes and it's available for regular patients as well. To find out more about chiropractic care in Westminster and Broomfield, call or email Lifetime Health & Wellness today.


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