Strengthening Exercises in Edmonds, WA

If you are experiencing back pain or shoulder pain, the discomfort can limit your mobility and lower your quality of life. At Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage Clinic in Edmonds, WA, we provide various treatments, such as strengthening exercises, to reduce your pain and help you heal. Before visiting us, we invite you to keep reading to learn more about these treatments below!


The Benefits of Strengthening Exercises

Your skeletal system keeps you upright, but do you ever think about what keeps the bones upright? Muscles, tendons, and ligaments are responsible for this task, as well as supporting your movements throughout the day. If your muscles are weak, they cannot properly support your skeletal system. Not only that, but weak muscles can also lead to misalignments and other spinal issues.

In addition, when the soft tissues are injured, it is still challenging to hold your skeletal system upright. As a result, you may not be able to move easily or complete your daily tasks. Strengthening exercises can help strengthen the soft tissues of the body. They also help restore function and mobility to the soft tissues and prevent injuries from occurring in the future.

Types of Exercises Our Chiropractors Recommend

The exact movements that will be part of your treatment plan will depend on your specific needs. Some strengthening exercise our chiropractors may recommend include:

  • Forearm planks
  • Side planks
  • Bridges
  • Leg lifts
  • McKenzie exercises
  • Scapular retraction

Important Items About Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises are typically combined with stretching movements to help you heal quickly. They are also combined with other chiropractic methods, such as chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy, to ensure you achieve your desired results.

If you’re concerned that these exercises will be too painful or too challenging, our chiropractors can help. Exercises start slowly and gently and only progress when your body can withstand the next level. If at any time you are in pain or are unable to perform an exercise, make sure to let us know. Your exercise plan can be modified to fit your abilities and comfort level.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you are considering strengthening exercises for pain relief, let our team at Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage Clinic in Edmonds, WA, help. To schedule your first appointment, call our office at (425) 361-1839 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we are ready to assist you!

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