Hip Pain

Our Edmonds Chiropractor Offers Hip Pain Relief

Pain in your hip can cause complications in just about every area of your life. From making walking difficult to interrupting your sleep, your entire quality of life is affected. Fortunately, our chiropractor in Edmonds can treat hip pain arising from a wide range of causes. The team at Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage will develop a targeted treatment plan designed to bring relief from pain and to improve your mobility.

man holding his hip because of hip pain

Causes of Hip Pain

Many of the patients we see are suffering from hip pain caused by inflammation. This inflammation is often caused by an underlying issue like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Other leading causes of inflammation in the hip area are bursitis and injury to the tendons and ligaments that make up the joint.

Traumatic events like a slip and fall or a motor vehicle accident can cause a range of injuries including hip pain. Natural wear and tear on the joint will also lead the cartilage within it to deteriorate over time, and that may cause chronic pain in the hip as well.

Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain

While you may think of chiropractors as dealing only with the back, we actually treat conditions involving all parts of the musculoskeletal system, and that includes the hip. It’s also true that hip pain can be caused by a misalignment somewhere else in your body that’s causing you to walk in a way that puts extra pressure on your hip joint and the supporting soft tissues.

We can treat any and all of these conditions, and we’ll complete a thorough evaluation to determine the precise cause of your pain in order to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, we can also use techniques like massage therapy, trigger point therapy, and ultrasound to help alleviate your symptoms while simultaneously correcting the underlying imbalance that’s causing them. In addition, we can teach you some corrective exercises to do on your own that will help strengthen the area and make it less likely your symptoms will return.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has many beneficial features, including its non-invasive nature and the lack of reliance on prescription drugs to manage your pain. Our techniques are designed to support your body’s natural healing processes by restoring balance and facilitating efficient circulation. Because our treatments work to correct the underlying cause of your pain, they also provide more lasting and consistent diminishment of your symptoms. Through our holistic approach, we focus on restoring function as well as reducing pain, so you can get back to doing the things you love.

Meet With Our Chiropractor in Edmonds Today

To learn more about chiropractic treatment for hip pain that we offer at Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage, call our Edmonds chiropractic center today at (425) 361-1839.

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