Your First Visit

Your First Car Accident Chiropractic Visit: What to Expect

Man experiencing neck pain from car accident should seek chiropractic treatment immediately.

During a car accident, your body is forcefully moved back and forth, often causing intense pain and damage to the alignment of your spinal column. Initially, adrenaline keeps you from feeling the pain. Over a few days, though, you'll begin to feel it. When this happens, schedule a car accident chiropractic visit with us at Optimal Health Chiropractic & Massage Clinic. We'll provide a customized treatment plan designed to help you feel better soon.

What the Most Common Car Accident Injuries Are

Car accident injuries can be numerous. Most commonly, individuals will feel pain and discomfort in the days following the car accident. This is often muscle or joint pain. Some common injuries include:

-Whiplash, often associated with neck pain

-Shoulder and upper back pain

-Leg pain

-Hip pain

-Lower back pain

We treat any type of car accident pain you have. It is always best to see our team for an immediate consultation after an injury.

What Happens When You Visit a Car Accident Doctor?

As a patient, we provide you with outstanding service. Your car accident doctor will speak to you thoroughly about what happened. We'll gather information and provide an exam before we make any recommendations for treatment.

During your first visit with us, we'll gather your medical history and speak about any type of injuries you've had previously. We'll document that information for later use. We also will discuss any symptoms you have at length. Even if they do not seem related to your car accident, let us know.

Your chiropractor will provide a thorough physical. We'll look over the area impacted. We often will need to see your spine and posture to notice any types of abnormalities there. This is very common after a car accident. Our team will ask you questions about pain and mobility concerns as well. We may ask you to bend, move, and turn your body. All of this helps us to see how your body is moving.

To provide you with a more thorough evaluation, our team will make recommendations for x-rays. We do these in our office. The goal is to pinpoint the misalignments of your spinal column, areas of inflammation, joint concerns, and any other types of physical limitations on your body. That's critical as it gives us an idea of what's happening.

Auto Accident Treatment from Your Chiropractor

With this information, we'll make recommendations for auto accident treatment. Most of the time, we can provide some of these initial treatments at your first appointment with us. We may schedule you to come back for ongoing follow-ups and sessions. Chiropractic treatment for auto accident injuries is highly effective when it is consistent. Our team will discuss with you all of the options available and help you decide what's right for your needs. We may recommend:

Chiropractic Adjustments: During these treatments, we'll apply a gentle level of force to specific areas of the body where the misalignment or concern is. It does not hurt. However, it will help you to have better alignment.

Massage Therapy: Many patients feel the improvement during their first session. We'll apply techniques that address the underlying type of pain you have. The goal here is to reduce some of the swelling and inflammation present. That's a critical step in improving your body's ability to heal, too.

We may recommend other treatment options as well. This could include physical therapy, acupuncture, and nutritional support. Our goal is to give your body the tools and resources it needs to heal. We don't recommend surgery and use only noninvasive treatment options. During your first appointment, you can expect a lot of information and guidance. And, you'll get some pain relief, too.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Car Accident Chiropractor in Edmonds, WA

If you've been hurt in a car accident, do not wait to come in for an appointment. Meet with your car accident chiropractor, Dr. Daryll Marshall-Inman, and the team, to discuss your treatment options. Come into our Edmonds, WA office for an appointment. Call: (425) 361-1839 today.

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