
Top Concerns From Patients

What to Expect at Our Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte, NC

Most people will put off seeing a doctor until they are in extreme pain. If you are experiencing neck pain and headaches as well as other injuries, a visit to a good chiropractor can help relieve your pain. Chiropractors do everything in their capability to come up with a treatment plan that works as fast as possible. Book an appointment with us at The Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte, NC for chiropractic care.

chiropractor showing spine diagram for patient

What to Expect

After a few visits to the chiropractor, you can expect to enjoy an overall improvement in your quality of life. With your body functions being properly aligned you will experience less stress and tension. You will also notice your posture improves especially if you work on your computer a lot which leads to less stress on your upper and lower back.

Top Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor

Most patients who come for chiropractic care do not know much about it. We encourage them to ask as many questions as possible so that they can feel comfortable. The chiropractor will try to give informative answers to all the questions so that the patient is more informed. Here are some common questions to ask a chiropractor.

  • When necessary, do you take x-rays? Many chiropractors will take an x-ray to rule out fractures especially when the patient has been involved in an auto accident. The x-ray also helps the chiropractor determine how healthy your joints and discs are to determine the technique to use.
  • Will the chiropractic treatment I receive be continuous? Most chiropractic treatments are hands-on, and patients have to visit the chiropractor a couple of times. Sessions can either be weekly or bi-weekly. The answer to this question prepares you psychologically and also helps you schedule your life.
  • Will you show me ways to prevent what you treat? The chiropractor will be more than happy to give you guidelines on how to improve your overall health.

Contact Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte, NC Today!

If you have any questions about chiropractic care or need to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte, NC at 704-596-9400.