
Neck Pain

Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment From Your Charlotte Chiropractor

Neck pain is a common problem in Charlotte NC. As your chiropractor in Charlotte, Weig Chiropractic Center is your source for chiropractic neck pain treatment. We help patients treat their neck pain and avoid injuries that can cause neck pain. Whether you're suffering from a recent injury or a chronic condition, we can help you manage your neck pain and improve your quality of life.

neck pain

Common Causes of Neck Pain in Charlotte

There are many reasons that our patients develop neck pain in Charlotte. Some of the most common causes of neck pain include:

  • Text neck. Text neck is a condition that occurs when a person spends too much time looking down at mobile devices. Doing this too much can change the curve of the spine.
  • Whiplash. Whiplash occurs when small tears develop in the muscles and ligaments in the neck. Whiplash often happens when a person is in a car accident or a slip and fall accident.
  • Stress. Stress and anxiety can cause the muscles to become tense, which then causes pain.
  • Subluxations. A subluxation occurs when the spinal cord becomes pinched or compressed in the vertebrae, causing pain and tingling up and down the back.
  • Herniated Disc. When a vertebral disc protrudes from the tough casing that encloses it, this is called a herniated disc.
  • Muscle Strain. Muscle strain often occurs as a result of sports activities and other vigorous physical activities.

These conditions can all be treated naturally through chiropractic care.

Symptoms of Neck Injuries and Conditions

If you've been injured or are suffering from a condition that causes neck pain, you'll likely notice some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Tenderness in the injured area
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Swelling
  • Shooting pains up and down the spine, through the neck and into the back
  • Frequent headaches

Chiropractic Techniques to Treat Neck Pain

At Weig Chiropractic Center, we use a variety of techniques to treat our patient's neck pain. Some of the most common techniques we use include:

  • Spinal adjustment. This technique involves the realignment of the vertebrae to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Spinal adjustments also help reduce patient pain, relieve muscle strain and speed the healing process.
  • Stretches and exercises. Stretches and exercises can help strengthen the muscles and improve range of motion while patients heal from neck injuries.
  • Lifestyle advice. We administer lifestyle advice to help patients avoid neck pain.
  • Massage therapy. Massage therapy helps reduce muscle strain and stress, which can reduce neck pain, back pain and other forms of musculoskeletal pain.

What to Expect From Your Visit

When you come to our chiropractic office for the first time, we'll start with a consultation and diagnosis of your condition. Then, we'll establish a treatment plan for your neck pain. Subsequent visits will likely involve the use of chiropractic techniques like spinal adjustment, massage therapy and stretches and exercises.

Contact Your Chiropractor in Charlotte

As your source for chiropractic care in Charlotte, we use a range of natural, gentle chiropractic techniques to help our patients manage their neck pain. To make an appointment for natural neck pain treatment and chiropractic care in Charlotte, call us today at 704-596-9400.