
Tips to Prevent Injuries from Gardening and Yard Work

Tips to Prevent Injuries from Gardening and Yard Work from our Charlotte Chiropractor

Woman suffering from back pain while gardening

The spring season brings warmer weather, new growth and blooming flowers. It also brings the opportunity to spend time out in the yard gardening. However, in your excitement about enjoying the spring weather and tilling the newly thawed ground, don’t be careless about the health of your back and joints. The following are some key tips from our chiropractor in Charlotte to stay safe while gardening and doing yard work. If you do experience a gardening related injury this spring or summer, trust Weig Chiropractic Center to help you with your injury recovery.

Warm Up and Cool Down

Warming up and cooling down is just as important in gardening as it is in any other physical activity. At the very least, do some light stretching to reduce the chance of strains, pulled muscles and stiffness later. Gently stretch your hamstrings, calves, back and arms to ensure you are warmed up and flexible during your gardening session.

Practice Proper Form

The number one rule of proper form while gardening to always bend at the knees, not the waist. Whether you are planting seeds or lifting a bag of fertilizer, keep your spine as straight as possible and bend at the knees to lower yourself. Be conscious of your form in all gardening activities so that you do not injure your back.

Also, be sure that your arms, legs and hips always track properly, never twisted or at an angle. Make slow, deliberate movements, never abrupt or sloppy ones that can cost you later in terms of your physical health and the integrity of your back.

Manage Heat Exposure

On warmer days, regulate the amount of sun and heat you allow yourself to be exposed to. Take breaks in the shade or indoors and be sure to drink plenty of water so that you stay hydrated. Wear a sun hat and loose, comfortable clothing.

Contact Weig Chiropractic Center for Back and Joint Relief

If despite these protective and preventative steps you still end up with strains, joint problems, or back issues from gardening, contact Weig Chiropractic Center. Our Charlotte chiropractor offers attentive, holistic care to reduce pain and help expedite healing. From spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustment to massage therapy, we’ll have you feeling good again in no time.