
Are You Experiencing Tingling or Numbness after an Auto Accident?

Are You Experiencing Tingling or Numbness after an Auto Accident? Contact our Charlotte Chiropractor

Why are you experiencing tingling and numbness in your hands, and feet after an auto accident? It could be due to a number of reasons. Oftentimes, the nerves in the lower extremities are impacted by injuries, illnesses, and diseases. However, injuries received in an automobile accident can result in severe nerve damage.

Depending on which part of the body was impacted, you may experience pain in your neck and back. Injuries that are not severe enough to warrant surgery often do well with chiropractic treatment. Pain following an injury may not avail itself until days or even weeks in some cases.

woman holding her hand because of numbness after a car accident

How Can A Chiropractor Help With Tingling and Numbness?

The Weig Chiropractic Center in Charlotte can access your injuries, and start you on a treatment plan that’s just right for you. Patients normally obtain one or more types of nerve damage following an auto accident:

  • Blunt Force Trauma- This happens when the arms, legs or hands are thrusted against a hard surface, causing injury or nerve damage to those areas.
  • Whiplash (Flexion Extension Injury- Most patients will agree, that whiplash is the most painful injury of all. Following the impact or crash, the head and neck at forced forward and backward, causing the nerves to be pinched or stretched. The extra pressure can cause swelling around the spine.
  • Lacerations- Some cuts may require stitches, if the cuts are deep enough. In most cases, deep lacerations penetrate and sever the nerves.

What Are The Symptoms?

  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Tingling and numbness in the upper and lower extremities such as the legs, feet, arms, back, shoulder, and hands
  • Uncontrollable muscle movements like involuntary twitching
  • Temporary full or partial paralysis of one or more limbs
  • The skin is sensitive to hot or cold temperature

Contact Our Charlotte Chiropractor Today

If you have been in a recent auto accident and are now experiencing tingling in your extremities, contact our chiropractor in Charlotte today for treatment. Schedule an appointment today, give Weig Chiropractic Center a call at (704) 596-9400.