
Whiplash FAQs

Whiplash FAQs Answered By Your Charlotte Chiropractor

Here at Weig Chiropractic Center, whiplash is the most common injury we see as a result of auto accidents. It also occurs after slip and fall accidents, occupational injuries, and other accidents, and symptoms can appear days or weeks after the accident. Our patients naturally have a lot of questions after they've been diagnosed, and here are some of the most common ones we hear:

Neck Pain

How Does Whiplash Happen?

When you're in an accident that forces your head quickly forward and then back, the ligaments and muscles in your neck and back can get hyper-extended, causing small tears. The resulting pain and stiffness is known as whiplash.

What Are Some Symptoms of Whiplash?

Each person is different, but some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Headaches
  • Tenderness or swelling in the neck
  • Stiffness or an inability to move the neck easily
  • Insomnia
  • Blurry vision
  • Neck or back pain

How Can a Chiropractor Treat Whiplash Injuries?

After an initial examination, we devise a personal treatment plan for each of our patients. Depending on the extent of your injuries, our chiropractor may choose:

  • Spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae of the back and neck
  • Therapeutic exercise and stretching to help reduce stiffness and strengthen the muscles around your injury
  • Massage therapy, which can increase blood flow and relieve pain while allowing your body to heal itself
  • Advice on lifestyle changes, which might reduce complications from your injury

Why Should I Seek Chiropractic Help After an Auto Accident?

If you walk away from a car accident feeling fine, you may think you don't have any need for treatment. The tricky thing about whiplash is that you might only feel the symptoms days or weeks later, which can allow complications to occur. Any time you're in an auto accident, it's a good idea to come into our office for an examination. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent weeks and months of pain and stiffness.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Charlotte Chiropractor

After an auto accident, your first call when you get home should be to a licensed chiropractor, to make sure you don't suffer any further damage. In our office, Dr. Weig and our supporting team are dedicated to helping your body to heal itself from a wide variety of painful conditions. Call our office today at 704.596.9400 to schedule an appointment.